Tuesday, September 25, 2012


THE HEART OF LIVING 1.Strike a balance between work and play, between seriousness and laughter. 2.Stick with the truth even if it makes you look or feel badly. Falsehoods are like wandering ghosts. 3.Forgive your enemies as part of the price you pay for the privilege of being forgiven. 4.Spend time outside. Walk. Get lots of air and sunshine and occasionally some rain or snow in your face. Get some dirt on your hands. 5.Talk over your troubles, mistakes, and dreams with someone you trust. 6.Don't underestimate the ability of God to straighten out a situation-even when you can't. Be patient. 7.Discriminate among your fears. Learn to tell which ones are useful, which ones destructive. 8.When you can't sleep, say, "Aha! Here's a chance for a little privacy and creative thinking. Or prayer.” 9.Fall in love with life, with children, older people, the theater, music, books, cities, hills, the sea—everything except money.

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