Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Breathing Exercise

Then I remembered the advice of my good friend, Dr. John Douillard, who said that when you breathe in and out through your mouth you’re exhausting and aging yourself. Years ago he taught me a different way to breathe that increases energy, reverses aging, and promotes greater happiness and well-being.

John called it “Darth Vader” breathing, because when you’re doing it right, you sound just like the Star Wars character. In yoga circles it’s called “Ocean Breath” (it also sounds like the ocean) or ujjayi pranayama, which translates as “the breath that gives victory over fear.” I call it bliss breathing, because it always makes me feel joyful.

John recommends breathing this way while meditating, sitting at your desk, or exercising, so I tried it during my hike. I quickly noticed I was no longer out of breath, and I was feeling more energy—even though I was trudging up a steep hill. Within minutes, I felt a bliss that lasted throughout the day. It worked!

Modern scientific studies are now catching up with ancient wisdom showing that breathing properly can make us feel good—fast. Darth Vader breathing creates a healing response in the body. As the lungs absorb more oxygen, circulation and metabolism improve. This increases your overall life energy.

So anytime you’re feeling down or sluggish, try Darth Vader breathing. It’s easy but powerful. Here’s how:

1. Start by inhaling and exhaling through your mouth, pulling the air from the back of the throat to make it sound like Darth Vader. You will feel the back of the throat slightly constricting. (You can also imagine you’re fogging up a pair of glasses.)

2. Once you get the hang of the sound, close your mouth, and continue inhaling and exhaling in the same way. Take slow and deep breaths. When you’re doing it correctly, you’ll hear the breath coming in and going out. This is the sound people make right before they go to sleep, when they are very relaxed.

Whether you’re on a wonderful summer hike (or winter hike for those in the southern hemisphere), exercising at your gym, or just sitting at home or work, practice breathing your way to greater happiness, love, and bliss!

With love for no reason and every reason,

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