Saturday, November 12, 2011

Avoid sickness

1. Keep the intestines clean. It’s the age-old rule: if digestion isn’t working right, you’re wide open for disease. A whole foods plant-based diet is the primer for intestinal health, with a good amount and variety of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes that have the fiber and nutrients to keep you regular and with optimal digestive function. Read this article for some good practices to cleanse the digestive system.

2. Stay alkaline. A more recently discovered but unquestionably effective rule: Disease does not grow in an alkaline body. Keep your blood slightly alkaline by eating in proper alkaline/acid ratios, and bacteria will not have a chance to flourish into infections in your body, no matter where you are (viruses will be easily disposed off too.) Read our alkalinity article and our interview with Dr. Robert Young for more information.

3. Drink water with lime. This is a basic practice for alkalinity, intestinal health, and mineral intake. It’s not just the vitamin C in the lime that keeps you healthy – limes have such a high mineral count that, while they may taste acidic, they are actually alkaline for your body. Both of us wake up and drink water with lime first thing in the morning on a daily basis. Neither of us do colds or flus, and if anything gets in our bodies, we get rid of it with lightning speed. And, no, drinking orange juice is by far not the same as drinking lime water. Find out why in our Citrus Profile.

4. Sterilize the hive with propolis (and by “the hive”, we mean “your body”). Propolis is this amazing wax-like paste that bees make by combining resin from bark and leaves, bee pollen and nectar. They use this substance to seal their hive, protecting it from any outside contaminants. Propolis has been used for healing since the days of Hippocrates – it’s a natural antibiotic, anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral, and anti inflammatory agent, immune system booster, and is even high in mineral, vitamin, and amino acid (protein) content. This one is a keeper, a bee keeper (pun intended).

5. Watch your thoughts. High frequency thoughts are key for maintaining optimal health. Irrational thoughts that bring about negative emotions generate chemicals that bring your immune system down. Yes, your thoughts and emotions can compromise your immune system, and leave you with low defenses against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Focusing on positive thoughts and being aware that you have the power to transmute any irrational thoughts is powerful preventative medicine. Master your emotions and the health effect will trickle down to your physical body.

Any one of these tips will help keep you illness-free this season. Combine them and you’re pretty season-proof. You are the guardian of your health. Put these tips to use and you’ll see that bypassing a cold or flu is not a secret – it’s the result of your own informed decisions.

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