Friday, February 24, 2012


A zebra is white with black stripes.

All the planets in our solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Hummingbirds are the only animal that can also fly backwards.

Insects do not make noises with their voices. The noise of bees, mosquitoes and other buzzing insects is caused by rapidly moving their wings.

The cockroach is the fastest animal on 6 legs covering a meter a second.

The word "listen " contains the same letters as the word "silent".

The only 2 animals that can see behind itself without turning it's head are the rabbit and the parrot.

A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

India invented the Number System . Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

The whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.

A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.

India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

'Hippopotomonstroses quippedaliophobi a' is the fear of long words.

Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school.

Phobatrivaphobia is a fear of trivia about phobias !!

It is impossible to lick your elbow. ( We know you gonna try this !!! )

A snail can sleep for 3 years. ( wow, lucky chap he ? )

The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start

In 1883 the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa put so much dust into the earth's atmosphere that sunsets appeared green and the moon appeared blue around the world for almost two years.

"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Twenty-Four- Karat Gold is not pure gold since there is a small amount of copper in it. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.

Electricity doesn't move through a wire but through a field around the wire.

Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys? They are: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Say no evil ).

55 per cent of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn. Reading about yawning makes most people yawn. Hello, zzzzz zzzz ?


Your friendship and love,
And all the wonderful things
That they bring into my life,
Are like nothing else
I have ever known.

My heart is complete
With the love we share,
And our love grows more
Beautiful each day.

I love you,
And as long as we are together,
I have everything I need.

You are with me always...
In a smile, a memory, a feeling
Or a moment we share.

You will always be
My Forever Love ?


7 Ways To Put A Smile On Somebody Else’s Face

1. Write an encouraging note to others that have encouraged you or that need encouragement. Handwritten notes that are given to encourage, not just for thanking someone for a gift, are rare. That makes handwritten notes even more special. Start a new practice of sitting down and writing an encouraging note on a regular basis. You just might start an epidemic!

2. Take a friend out to lunch or invite her to your home for a meal. You will get to know each other even better than you do right now. If you feel like being more adventurous, throw a party for several of your friends and put smiles on a multitude of faces.

3. Give someone an inspirational book to read. You will feel good doing it, reading the book will change the person, and they will think of you every time they read it.

4. Ask a friend or relative if you can take care of their kid(s) for a day or evening. If you have been a parent, you know the value of being able to have a few hours of `adult time` without worrying about the children. Don't wait to be asked to baby-sit when it is required. Offer to do it at a time when the parent can do something fun and relaxing.

5. Deliver a meal to someone you know that is sick or having a rough time. We have all been sick and know the last thing you want to do is be out of bed. There are also times when life is tough and it is hard to do all of the daily chores. You can be a tremendous help by providing a meal that can be enjoyed.

6. Volunteer time to supporting your local prayer hall or temple. Every minute you dedicate to charity or temple will cause many smiles. You will put a smile on the face of each leader just for helping without being asked. You will also be putting smiles on the faces of those that are being helped through the organization.

7. Thank everyone that supports you throughout the day. The list of those that you come in contact with is endless. Remember family and friends, secretaries, co-workers, teachers, Sunday school teachers, pastors, store employees, janitors, gas station attendants, those that deliver your mail and newspaper, and servers at restaurants


“Saurashtre Somanathamcha,
Sri Saile Mallikarjuna.
Ujjanyinyam Mahakalam,
Himalaye to Kedaram,
Varanasyam cha Vishweshwam,
Tryambakam Gautameethate.
Paralyam Vaidyanatham cha,
Sethu bande Ramesham,
Grishnesam chaShivalaya”.

This is the famous sloka given in the Shiva Puranadescribing the 12 jyotirlingas of Shiva. In Hinduism, the Absolute isknown as the Brahman and is formless and without attributes. But the humanbeing has form and attributes so we need some form of the Absolute onwhich we can concentrate. The lingam which is a rounded, upright stone isused as a symbol of Shiva. Worship of the lingam is one of the mostimportant aspects of the worship of Shiva. The word ”lingam” actuallymeans a sign or characteristic. So the Shiva lingam is a sign of Shiva andhelps us to remember him in his formless aspect. The Shiva lingam is alsoconsidered to be the divine phallus, containing within it the seed of theuniverse. From it all life is created. Together with the yoni or seat onwhich it rests and which corresponds to the female vulva, the yoni-lingamrepresents the union of man and woman, Shiva and Shakti, the cosmic Spiritin union with the cosmic Prakriti, which brings everything intoexistence.

There are thousands of lingams all over India but someof them have a special importance. The most important of these are calledjyotirlingas and they are twelve in number. As given in the sloka, theirnames are Somnatha, Mallikarjuna, Mahakala, Omkara, Kedara, Bhimshankara.Vishvanatha, Tryambaka, Vaidynatha, Nagesha, Rameswara and Ghushnesha.Most of these are supposed to be self formed or sprouted out of their ownwill. A few have been installed by human hands. Every Shiva worshipperdreams of doing a pilgrimage to all these twelve jyotirlingas at leastonce in his lifetime.

We will now take a tour of all of them inturn.
Somnatha is the name of Shiva in the town of the same namesituated in Prabhas Patan in Saurashtra in the state if Gujarat in India.Prabhas Patan is the place where the Yadava clan fought amongst themselvesand came to an end as per Lord Krishna’s wish.

Somnatha Temple

Somnatha isconnected with the story of Daksha’s curse to Chandra or Soma who is themoon god in Hindu mythology. Daksha was one of the patriarchs and Soma washis son-in-law. However Daksha took a dislike of Soma and cursed him thathe would wane away to nothing. Soma appealed to Lord Shiva to save himfrom this curse. Somnatha is the place where Soma prayed to Shiva. Shivadecreed that he would not wane away to nothing but would have onlyfourteen days of waning after which he would start waxing for the rest ofthe month.


Mallikarjuna isthe name of Shiva in the town of Sri Sailam near the town of Kurnool inthe state of Andhra Pradesh in South India. The temple is rich in carvingsand architectural wealth. Adi Shankara is supposed to have composed hisgreat poem called “Shivananda Lahari” at this temple. The legendconcerning this temple is connected with Karthikeya, the son of Shiva. Hehad left Kailasa and gone to stay on a hill in south India. Parvati wasbereft at the departure of her son and begged Shiva to take her there.Kartikeya refused to let them live on his own hill so Shiva and Parvatitook up their residence on the hill at Sri Saila from which spot theycould pay periodic visits to their beloved son. An interesting thing hereis the sound of buzzing which seems to come from within the granite wallat the back of the temple. Bees are supposed to have made their home herebut they have never harmed any of the devotees.


Mahakaleshwar issituated in Madhya Pradesh in the ancient and historic town of Ujjain orAvanti. It is situated on the river Kshipra which is one of the fourplaces in which the Kumbha Mela takes place. It is mentioned in theBhagavad Purana as being the place where the famous rishi calledSandeepany had his gurukulam or institute of learning where all theprinces of the land went for their education. In fact Lord Krishna and hisbrother Balarama also did their course of studies in this institution. Thetemple here is situated beside the cremation grounds and it is said thatthe ashes of this cremation ground is taken for puja in the temple. Shivais the Lord of destruction and ashes from the burning ghat signify theephemeral quality of life.
The legend goes that four Brahmin brotherwere great devotees of Lord Shiva and used to worship him daily at thatspot. However a demon wanted to put an end to their worship and went tokill them. The brothers were confident that their Lord would protect themand continued their worship undaunted. Suddenly the lingam burst open witha tremendous sound and Shiva leapt out brandishing the weapons ofdestruction. His form was that of Mahakala or the great destroyer in theform of Time. The demon was burnt to ashes. The brothers begged Shiva tostay there forever and so he did.

Omkareshwarais situated on an island in the middle of the river Narmada in MadhyaPradesh. The Shiva is here is also known as Mamaleshwara. Once thecelestial sage Narada had gone on a visit to the mountain known asVindhya. The sage knew that the mountain was puffed up with pride so inhis usual bantering fashion he told Vindhya that the mountain Sumeru wassuperior to it. Vindhya decided to become the equal of Sumeru and starteddoing tapasya to Lord Shiva. When Shiva revealed himself, Vindhya beggedhim to remain there all the time so that it would be the equal of Sumeru.Omkaresha is the place where Vindhya did tapasya.


Kedarnatha is thenorthernmost of the jyotirlingas and nestles in the snow clad Himalayas.It is snow bound for six months of the year and opens only from May toOctober. The last twelve kilometers of the journey to Kedarnatha has to bemade on foot or pony. During the last part of their sojourn on earth thefive Pandavas (heroes of the Mahabharata war) and their wife, Draupadiproceeded to the place in the Himalayas known as Kedarkanda. They went insearch of their favourite deity, Shiva. They thought they saw him and gavechase but they were unable to catch him. Very soon they were joined by awild looking dog and a noble buffalo. They came to realize that thebuffalo was none other than their favourite deity. Once again they triedto catch it but it ran away. The Pandavas chased the buffalo and at lasteach of the brothers managed to catch one part of the animal. To theirconsternation it came apart into five pieces in their hands. They threwthe pieces far and wide. Those spots where the pieces fell came to beknown as the panch Kedars or the five Kedars and are important pilgrimspots in the Himalayas. The hump of the buffalo fell at a most auspiciousspot and came to be known as Kedarnatha. The lingam at Kedarnatha is inthe shape of the hump of a buffalo.


Bhimshankara is situated in the Sahyadri hills ofMaharashtra. The easiest way to go there is via Pune. This is the spotwhere Shiva is said to have destroyed the three demons known asTripurasuras. The legend connected with this place has to do with one ofthe brothers of the demon known as Kumbhakarna who was a brother ofRavana, the demon king oof Lanka. His son was called Bhima. When he heardof the death of his father at the hands of Rama, he swore vengeance on allthe devotees of Vishnu (Rama was an incarnation of Vishnu). His firsttarget was the king called Kamarupa whom he captured and threw into adungeon along with his wife. The couple started earnest prayers to Shivato save them. When he heard this, Bhima rushed to the dungeon withupraised sword to kill him. At that moment Shiva split open the lingam andjumped out of it and killed the demon. The couple begged him to remainthere and hence the lingam here is known as Bhimshankara.
Vishvanatha temple Bhimashankar Temple

Vishvanatha temple is situated on the banks of the holyriver Ganga in Varanasi in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is the mostfamous temple of Shiva in India and attracts thousands of pilgrims everyyear. The famous Manikaran ghat is the place where countless Hindus havebeen cremated. The fires of cremation have never been extinguished heresince time immemorial since dead bodies are being constantly broughtthere. Anyone who sits for a few minutes at this ghat will realize thetransitory quality of life and start looking deeper into the meaning oflife. The creator Brahma himself is supposed to have done tapasya in thisspot. It is said that Varanasi will not be destroyed even at the time ofthe great deluge when the rest of the world goes into dissolution. Shivawill raise the city on the point of his trident and protect it whiledestruction rages all around.
There is another story connected withthis city. Once Shiva and Parvati had gone to the world of Brahma. Hebegan reciting hymns through all his five mouths in praise of Shiva. Butone of the mouths was making mistakes and so Shiva, who was aperfectionist where music was concerned, plucked off the head which wasmaking mistakes. But since this was a great crime, Shiva found that hecould not shake off the head which had stuck to his back. For many yearshe went round with the head on his back. It was only when he went to theholy city of Varanasi that the head fell off. So Shiva decided that hewould stay there in the form of a lingam. This lingam is calledVishwanatha or the Lord of the universe. The first humans to worship therewere Swaymbhu Manu and his wife Shatarupa who were the first couple to becreated by Brahma.

Tryambakeshwarais situated on the banks of the Godavari River. In fact the river has itsorigin on a hill above the temple. The temple is about ninety kilometersfrom the pilgrim city of Nasik in the state of Maharashtra. The place isassociated with the sage Gautama and his wife Ahalya. They had prayed toShiva for a long time. At last the Lord appeared and asked them to choosea boon. He begged Shiva to allow the Ganga to flow beside his hermitage sothat he could bathe in her purifying waters and expiate for his sin inhaving killed a cow by accident. Shiva granted the boon. However Gangainsisted that she would go there only if Shiva took up his residencethere. This was agreed upon and Shiva stayed there in the form of alingam. Ganga flowed beside him and took the name Godavari. To reach thesource of the Godavari one has to climb some hazardous steps up themountain near the temple. The steps lead you to a small shrine where watergushes out of a stone cow’s mouth. One can also trek up the mountain tothe top where the river actually has her source.

The temple of Vaidyanatha is situated in the state of Bihar in the town of Deogarh.Ravana, the demon king of Lanka, was a great devotee of Shiva. Hepracticed intense tapasya in the Himalayas, but still Shiva failed toappear, So he made a fire and decided to sacrifice all his ten heads. Hestarted throwing them one by one into the fire. After the ninth, Shivaappeared and asked him what he wanted. Ravana prayed for superhumanstrength and the restoration of his nine heads. Only Shiva could grantsuch a boon for he was Vaidyanatha, the Lord of all physicians. Shiva alsogave him a wonderful jyotirlinga and told him to take it straight to hiscapital city of Lanka. He warned him never to put it down. Ravana startedback carrying the radiant lingam. The gods feared that if he took it toLanka, he would indeed become invincible so they sent Ganesha to thwarthim. Ganesha took the form of a young brahmachari and appeared beforeRavana just as he felt a terrible urge to answer the call of nature.Ravana was forced to give the lingam to the boy who had so providentiallyappeared before him and warned him never to keep it down. Hardly hadRavana gone than Ganesha put the lingam down. When Ravana returned hefound no trace of the boy and try as he would he was unable to budge thelingam which had become rooted to the spot! This is the lingam which is known as Vaidyanatha.

His Holiness Sri Sri Ganapathi SachchidanandaSwamiji of Mysore worshiping Nagesha Linga

The tenthjyotirlinga is known as Nagesha and is situated near the pilgrim city ofDwaraka in Gujarat. There was once a merchant who was a great devotee ofLord Shiva. During his travels he often had to cross a forest which wasinhabited by a demoness called Daruka who kept harassing him. He beggedShiva to help him. Shiva came with his snakes or “nagas” and drove Darukaaway. Daruka worshipped Parvati who gave her another forest to roam aboutwithout troubling anybody. The lingam which was worshipped by the merchantcame to be known as Nageshwara, Lord of serpents. Parvati also took upresidence here and is known as Nageshwari.

Ramanatha Swamy Temple Rameshwaram

The huge temple of Rameshwaram is situatedon the island called Rameshwaran in the state of Tamilnadu. This spot isthe closest bit of land in India to the island of Sri Lanka. Ravana, thedemon king of Lanka had abducted Sita, the wife of Rama, king of Ayodhyaand taken her to his island fortress. Rama came to rescue her but beforehe could cross the straits which separated the mainland from the island ofLanka, he made a lingam of Shiva and prayed to him to help him rescue hiswife. Shiva appeared and blessed him with all success. Rama requestedShiva to stay in that spot forever. This is the lingam calledRamalingeswara and it is one of the most famous places of worship inIndia.


Grishneswara is thetwelfth and last of the jyotirlingas. It is situated close to the famouscaves of Ellora. Once there was a Brahmin called Sudharma who had a wifecalled Sudeha. They had no children and so his wife asked him to marry herniece, Ghrishna in order to get a son. She was a great devotee of LordShiva and she made a vow that she would make one hundred and one lingamsof Shiva daily and worship them. At the end of her puja she would immersethe lingams in the pond near by. After having completed one lakh of pujasshe conceived and got a lovely baby boy. As can be expected her aunt’snature changed with the birth of the child and one day she killed the babyand threw the body into the pond in which the lingams were immersed. Nextmorning Ghrishna got up and started her daily ritual of worshipping Shiva.She refused to be distracted even when her husband announced thedisappearance of the baby. At the end of her puja, Shiva who was pleasedwith her devotion restored the baby to her. When he raised his trident tokill her aunt, Ghrishna begged him to spare her life and asked for theboon that he would stay near the pond in the form of a lingam. He agreedand this lingam is known as Grishneswara.

Devotees of Shivaconsider it to be a rare good fortune to be able to make a visit to allthe twelve jyotirlingas in one lifetime.

Aum Nama shivaya


It was a busy
morning, about 8:30, when an elderly

gentleman in his 80's arrived to have
stitches removed from his thumb.

He said he was in a hurry as he had an
appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital
signs and had him take a seat,

knowing it would be over an hour

before someone
would to able to see him.

I saw him looking at his watch and

decided, since I
was not busy with another patient,

I would evaluate his wound.

On exam, it was
well healed, so I talked to one of the

doctors, got the needed supplies to
remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of
his wound, I asked him if he

had another doctor's appointment

this morning, as
he was in such a hurry.

The gentleman told me no, that he

needed to go to
the nursing home to eat breakfast

with his wife. I inquired as to her

He told me that she had been there
for a while and that she

was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we
talked, I asked if she would be

upset if he was a bit late.

replied that she no longer knew

who he was, that she had not

recognized him in
five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him,

'And you still go every
morning, even though she

doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled as he
patted my hand and said,

'She doesn't
know me, but I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back
tears as he left, I had goose bumps

on my arm, and thought,

'That is
the kind of love I want in my life.'

True love is
neither physical, nor romantic.

True love is an
acceptance of all that is,

has been, will be, and will not

With all the jokes
and fun that are in e-mails,

sometimes there is one that comes

along that has an
important message..

This one I thought I could share with you.

happiest people don't necessarily

have the best of everything;

they just make
the best of everything they have.

I hope you share this with someone you
care about. I just did..

'Life isn't about
how to survive the storm,
But how to dance

in the rain.'

We are all getting Older

Tomorrow may be our turn.



Do you know these facts about your bladder?

1. Drink what you need. Though the medical recommendation is to
drink 8-12 glasses of water a day the individual needs differ. Some
need a lot of water depending on their physical activity, body
constitution, health conditions, climatic conditions etc while some
need less. Frequent urination or a leak in a healthy adult means he
is taking extra fluids! So drink just enough water to keep yourself
healthily hydrated.

2. Caffeine is not good for your bladder as it is a diuretic. It
speeds up your kidneys and irritate the bladder.
So don't worry about a leaking bladder if you take more
caffeinated drinks.

3. It is not often an enlarged prostate that causes plumbing
problems in men but an overactive bladder. So get it diagnosed and

4. It is normal to urinate once at night. But twice a night
indicate something is wrong. It could be just that you drink too
much water in the evening or that you are anxious. If it's a
regular habit to urinate more than twice at night keeping a fluid
diary is recommended. Consult your doctor if it persists.

5. Another sign of an overactive bladder is urinating for more than
8 times a day.

6. Being overweight is a reason for stress incontinence. Stress
incontinence is a condition where pressure on the bladder from
cough or sneeze causes you to leak. It happens when the muscles in
the pelvis is weak and cannot handle this pressure.

7. It is not a small bladder that causes frequent leaks but your
capacity. If you drink more water than you can hold you will
probably leak. Weak muscles, nerve damage (due to conditions
like diabetes), medications, infections etc can cause leaking.

Take care!










Cardinal sin: Who’s playing with the truth, Alencherry or Vatican?
It is not nice for a cardinal to begin his newly ordained life with a half-lie. Or a misquote. Tony Gentile/Reuters

It is not nice for a cardinal to begin his newly ordained life with a half-lie. Or a misquote. But this is what Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, head of the Eastern Syro-Malabar Church, has done less than a month after being elevated by the Vatican.
On Wednesday, the Cardinal was quoted by Agenzia Fides, which describes itself as the “information service of the pontifical mission societies since 1927”, as saying that he had “contacted the Catholic ministers who are in the government of Kerala” to help out in the case involving the killing of two fishermen by two Italian naval guards on the merchant vessel Enrica Lexie.
On Thursday, the Cardinal clarifies that he has “not tried to intervene in this matter, nor have I contacted any ministers regarding this.”
Now, we have two possibilities: either the Cardinal is telling us a half-truth (or half-lie), or the papal news agency is. Or both are telling us less than the truth. If it’s the former, it doesn’t say much for the character of a Cardinal who begins his new job with an untruth. If it’s the latter, it doesn’t speak much for the reporting capabilities of the pope’s press corps.
Worse, Agenzia Fides has removed the old statement attributed to the Cardinal without any explanation. You have no option but to read it in Firstpost. Instead, it has merely put up the Cardinal’s new statement.
Now, this is not only unethical but an attempt to obfuscate the truth. When major corrections and clarifications are made on the web, the ethical thing to do is to say you are replacing the old story with a new one, apologise for the error, and then put out the new version.
This is not what the Vatican’s news agency has done. Is this what God’s own PR agency should be doing?
Regardless of whether the Cardinal was misquoted or the papal agency was taking liberties with the truth, there is good reason to take a relook at that original statement – since it was put in the public domain. There are some lessons here for secularism and the rule of law.
The Cardinal, in his revised statement, said this about the killing of two Indian fishermen: “Two precious lives have been lost. Strong legal action should be taken against the guilty.”
Cardinal Mar George Alencherry
Who made the communal call? The Cardinal or the Vatican? Tony Gentile/Reuters
But this is not what he allegedly told Agenzia Fides in the earlier version. The Cardinal said: “I learned the story of theCatholicfishermen killed: it is very sad. I immediately contacted theCatholicministers of Kerala urging the government not to act precipitately.”
He added: “I am and will remain in close contact with theCatholic ministers of Kerala and I hope that they will help to pacify the situation. In particular, I trust in the work of the Tourism Minister, the Catholic KV Thomas, who participated in the consistory in Rome in past days and attended the mass with the Holy Father and the new cardinals: he is a man of great moral stature and of significant influence, both in the local and central government, and he assured me his maximum effort. I guarantee, in the next few days, my constant involvement with the Indian authorities on the matter”.
We have emphasised the word Catholic for two reasons: one, this is an important part of the version put out by Agenzia Fides. Either the agency was trying to make it an all-Catholic affair, or the Cardinal was. Or both half-agreed to put things this way. And two, if the Cardinal believes in the rule of law, it should not matter if the victims are Catholic, or the killers, or even the minister who has been roped in to help.
How does his new statement (“Two precious lives have been lost. Strong legal action should be taken against the guilty”) square up with his earlier (allegedly misreported) statement where he wants all action to be based on the involved parties’ Catholic identities?
Is this not communalism of the worst kind? Is this not pandering to the wishes of the Vatican’s Italian roots? What has the Vatican to do with Italy’s narrow nationalism?
Would we not consider this statement communal if it had come from the Sangh parivar? What if the above statement had been made (in another context) by a parivar member after the Kandhamal riots in Orissa?
“I learned the story of the Hindu Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati who was killed, leading to communal riots between Hindus and Christians; it is very sad. I immediately contacted the Hindu leaders of Orissa and urged the government not to act precipitately. In the episode, of course, there were errors by both sides. But the point is another: it seems that the opposition party wants to take advantage of the situation and exploit the case for electoral reasons.”
“I am and will remain in close contact with the Hindu ministers of Orissa and I hope that they will help to pacify the situation. In particular, I trust in the work of the Chief Minister, the Hindu Naveen Patnaik, with whom our party the BJP is in alliance.”
If you think the above statement can be construed as communal, why would you not think what the Cardinal is alleged to have said as non-communal? Can we have it both ways in judging communalism?
We can, of course, say that the Cardinal was misquoted. But in this case the blame must rest with the pontifical news agency of the Vatican.
So who made the communal call? The Cardinal or the Vatican?


I think I know why you guys think I remind you guys of an anime character.

I am so freaking exaggerated. o_o

These expressions are requested from my subbies!!!

Thank you for the suggestions!

I did the ones I thought were appropriate!

9.Asian pose
11.In love
14.Typical teenager
18.Pissed off
22.Listening to music
23.Aggravated by a fly
24.Im watching you pose
29.Checking someone out
38.Falling asleep



Element : WOMEN
Symbol : Wo+
Atomic mass : Accepted as 53.6 Kg; isotopes may vary from 40-200 kg.
Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas.


1. bOiLs at room temperature
2. Freezes without any known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter, if incorrectly used.
5. Sweet as Honey if given a proper treatment.


1. Have great affinity for Gold, Silver and a range of precious
and absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
2. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known
3. Insoluble in liquids, but activity greatly increases by that.
4. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.


1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be great aid to relaxation.

1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when happy.
2. Turns green when placed behind a better specimen.


illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained
at different locations as long as specimens do not come in direct
contact with each other.




Only a Fine Line Between Genius & Madness : Study

Only a Fine Line Between Genius & Madness : Study

Attached Image: genius mad.jpg

London: There is no great genius without some touch of madness, they say. And now a new study has found there is indeed only a fine line between genius and madness as both share a particular gene.

Scientists have discovered that creative people have a gene, called neuregulin 1, in common which is also linked to psychosis and depression — in fact, it plays a role in brain development but avariant of it is linked to mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Lead scientist Szabolcs Keri of Semmelweis University in Hungary said this is the first study to show that a genetic variant associated with psychosis may have some beneficial functions.

“Molecular factors that are loosely associated with severe mental disorders but are present in many healthy people may have an advantage enabling us to think more creatively”, he was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as saying.

For the study, the scientists recruited a group of volunteers who considered themselves to be very creative and accomplished.

To measure creativity, the volunteers were asked to respond to a series of unusual questions. For example: “Just suppose clouds had strings attached to them which hang down to earth. What would happen?”

The subjects were scored based on the originality and flexibility of their answers. The volunteers also completed a questionnaire regarding their lifetime creative achievements before the researchers took blood samples.

“The results show a clear link between neuregulin 1and creativity. Volunteers with the gene variant were more likely to have higher scores on the creativity assessment and also greater lifetime creative achievements than volunteers with a different form of the gene” , the researchers said. The study has been published in the Psychological Science journal. PTI


Of course not all women have these habits. Some have one of them, some have all, and some have none. Habits of women can’t be generalized, but there is a trend. My apologies to all women when this list sounds as if they all were the same, I simplified.


Women like to nag, it’s a problem as old as humankind. Already ancient Greeks knew this habit of women, Hera was annoying Zeus with doing it too much, Socrates’ wife Xanthippe has become the quintessential nagging woman.
Maybe only men sense it as nagging and women have good reason to be like that. They want to be forceful after saying something again and again without success. What they don’t realize is that there’s a reason for having no success. Men simply need to be told things in a different way.

Being irrational

Ever tried to explain to a woman something in a reasonable and logical way, only to have her reply: ‘Yes but for me it’s different.’? It’s a typical way for a woman to be irrational and drive a man crazy. She simply doesn’t want to understand, she wants to tell how she sees the world or herself. Men would do better to accept that and give up trying to explain or disagree.
Being over emotional is another side of this habit. Instead of staying calm and thinking a situation over women react over emotional, break out in tears, get hysterical or angry and start throwing things. Best to wait until the attack is over and her brain starts working more rational again.

Buying too much

Spending too much on shoes, handbags and clothes is not only abad habit, it can be an addiction for some women. Like all addictions, it can become an expensive problem.
Even when it’s not that bad most men can’t understand why someone needs 40 pairs of shoes,20 handbags or a new outfit every two weeks. Most men also don’t enjoy spending a lot of time before changing rooms waiting for a woman who can’t decide if this or that skirt looks better, especially if they were asked and told more than once which one they prefer.
It would be better for relationships if women would only spend as much as they can afford easily and take their best girlfriend for shopping tours.


Women often have troubles working in a team, especially with other women. It’s a kind of jealousy; they want to be the best, a queen, or even the only woman around. They can be that way with friends, as well. Wherever women meet there is potential for jealousy.
Best for men to stay out of it. If it’s their wife or girlfriend, they could try calming her down. As long as they never side with the other woman. Best for men to stay out of it or try to calm.


Women are more talkative than men. They talk longer and more often on the phone. They like to talk about a lotof things with their best girlfriend or with female family members. That’s asocial skill and society needs it, but it becomes a bad habit easily when it’s all about gossip.
Women should settle for gossip about celebrities on TV or in magazines . Intimate details of their friends should be treated discreetly, their partners have a right to privacy.


When there's something that needs to be done,
give yourself a moment to do it.
When there's a decision that must be made,
give yourself a moment to think it through.
When life demands a response, give yourself a moment
to find the most positive and meaningful one.
When someone is explaining something to you, give yourself a moment to truly listen and to understand.
Life is made up of many moments, one right after another.

The big outcomes, results and achievements
depend on what you do with all those little moments along the way.
With each moment you can choose to let it pass or
to let it bring you down.
Or, you can decide to make good use of that moment
with positive purpose, value and love.

How many times have you looked back on your life
with regret, and wished you had given yourself a moment to do what could have easily been done?
Now is your opportunity to avoid such future regrets
by recognizing the great value in each moment.
When life is asking something of you, give yourself
a moment to make it right.
And when you add up all those moments,
you'll find you've made life great.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Love is like magic,
And it always will be,
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
that love cannot change!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace!
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks-
Love is the language
That every heart speaks-
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free..


Yes - Smoking Is Haram - Don't worry about 'pip blood' in filters of cigarettes - It is Haram even before you worry about the story of 'Pig Blood in Cigarettes' - They say there is blood of pigs being used in the filters - But what other things have swine (pork) products in them?
Accused of Putting Swine Blood in Tabacco Products?
Maemoglobin from Swine Apparentaly Identified in 185 Industrial Uses
Here is what we read from Sydney Australia - A warning was sent out to religious groups here after traces of pig's blood found in cigarette filters!
By Daily Mail Reporter

An Australian professor has warned religious groups that cigarette filters may contain traces of pig's blood.
Simon Chapman said recent Dutch research has identified 185 different industrial uses for a pig - including the use of haemoglobin in cigarette filters.
The University of Sydney professor said the study offered an insight into the world of cigarette manufacturing and was likely to spark concerns for devout Muslims and Jews.
Concerns: Dutch research has found that the haemoglobin in pig's blood is used by some tobacco manufacturers in cigarette filters
'I think that there would be some particularly devout groups who would find the idea that there were pig products in cigarettes to be very offensive,' he told the Sydney Daily Telegraph.
'The Jewish community certainly takes these matters extremely seriously and the Islamic community certainly do as well, as would many vegetarians.

PIG 05049 from Christien Meindertsma on Vimeo.

'It just puts into hard relief the problem that the tobacco industry is not required to declare the ingredients of cigarettes - they say "that's our business and a trade secret".'
The research found pig haemoglobin - a blood protein - was being used to make the filters more effective at blocking toxic chemicals before they entered a smoker's lungs.

Professor Chapman said that although some tobacco companies had voluntarily published a list of the contents in their cigarettes on websites, they also noted undisclosed 'processing aids' in the finished product.
At least one brand of cigarettes sold in Greece has been confirmed to be using pig haemoglobin (swine blood) in its manufacturing processes, he added.
Professor Chapman said: 'If you're a smoker and you're of Islamic or Jewish faith then you'd probably want to know and there is no way of finding out.

..Especially for SMOKERS..

It is never too late to quit smoking.

Within the first 20 minutes of quitting, the healing process begins..

By the end of the first day after quitting smoking, you've decreased your chances of having a heart attack.The benefits will continue to improve your health and quality of life for years..

Within 12 hours after you have your last cigarette, your body will begin to heal itself. The levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine in your system will decline rapidly, and your heart and lungs will begin to repair the damage caused by cigarette smoke.As your body begins to repair itself, instead of feeling better right away, you may feel worse for a while. It's important to understand that healing is a process­ p;it begins immediately, but it continues over time. These "withdrawal pangs" are really symptoms of the recovery process.

Immediately after quitting, many ex-smokers experience "symptoms of recovery" such as temporary weight gain caused by fluid retention, irregularity, and dry, sore gums or tongue. You may feel edgy, hungry, more tired, and more short-tempered than usual and have trouble sleeping and notice that you are coughing a lot. These symptoms are the result of your body clearing itself of nicotine, a powerful addictive chemical. Most nicotine is gone from the body in 2-3 days.

Please spread awareness among smokers to quit

Yes - Smoking Is Haram - Don't worry about 'pip blood' in filters of cigarettes - It is Haram even before you worry about the story of 'Pig Blood in Cigarettes' - They say there is blood of pigs being used in the filters - But what other things have swine (pork) products in them?
Accused of Putting Swine Blood in Tabacco Products?
Maemoglobin from Swine Apparentaly Identified in 185 Industrial Uses
Here is what we read from Sydney Australia - A warning was sent out to religious groups here after traces of pig's blood found in cigarette filters!
By Daily Mail Reporter

An Australian professor has warned religious groups that cigarette filters may contain traces of pig's blood.
Simon Chapman said recent Dutch research has identified 185 different industrial uses for a pig - including the use of haemoglobin in cigarette filters.
The University of Sydney professor said the study offered an insight into the world of cigarette manufacturing and was likely to spark concerns for devout Muslims and Jews.
Concerns: Dutch research has found that the haemoglobin in pig's blood is used by some tobacco manufacturers in cigarette filters
'I think that there would be some particularly devout groups who would find the idea that there were pig products in cigarettes to be very offensive,' he told the Sydney Daily Telegraph.
'The Jewish community certainly takes these matters extremely seriously and the Islamic community certainly do as well, as would many vegetarians.

PIG 05049 from Christien Meindertsma on Vimeo.

'It just puts into hard relief the problem that the tobacco industry is not required to declare the ingredients of cigarettes - they say "that's our business and a trade secret".'
The research found pig haemoglobin - a blood protein - was being used to make the filters more effective at blocking toxic chemicals before they entered a smoker's lungs.

Professor Chapman said that although some tobacco companies had voluntarily published a list of the contents in their cigarettes on websites, they also noted undisclosed 'processing aids' in the finished product.
At least one brand of cigarettes sold in Greece has been confirmed to be using pig haemoglobin (swine blood) in its manufacturing processes, he added.
Professor Chapman said: 'If you're a smoker and you're of Islamic or Jewish faith then you'd probably want to know and there is no way of finding out.

..Especially for SMOKERS..

It is never too late to quit smoking.

Within the first 20 minutes of quitting, the healing process begins..

By the end of the first day after quitting smoking, you've decreased your chances of having a heart attack.The benefits will continue to improve your health and quality of life for years..

Within 12 hours after you have your last cigarette, your body will begin to heal itself. The levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine in your system will decline rapidly, and your heart and lungs will begin to repair the damage caused by cigarette smoke.As your body begins to repair itself, instead of feeling better right away, you may feel worse for a while. It's important to understand that healing is a process­ p;it begins immediately, but it continues over time. These "withdrawal pangs" are really symptoms of the recovery process.

Immediately after quitting, many ex-smokers experience "symptoms of recovery" such as temporary weight gain caused by fluid retention, irregularity, and dry, sore gums or tongue. You may feel edgy, hungry, more tired, and more short-tempered than usual and have trouble sleeping and notice that you are coughing a lot. These symptoms are the result of your body clearing itself of nicotine, a powerful addictive chemical. Most nicotine is gone from the body in 2-3 days.

Please spread awareness among smokers to quit smoking.







8 Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending.

Are your fingernails healthy, or
sending you a health warning?

Fingernails and disease dont go together in most minds but they should. Your fingernails can give you valuable health warnings and signal the presence of serious disease.
Take a good long look at your nails. Hold a hand level with your nose about a foot out from your face and scrutinize each one.
Look at the curves, dips, ridges, and grooves. Check out how thick or thin they are and if your nails are chipped or broken. Make a note of the color of the nail itself, the skin under it, and the skin around the nail.
Check your memory have your nails always looked like this? Changes to your fingernails and disease onset are linked, so note any new developments. With this fresh view, compare what you see with this list of eight potential fingernail health warnings.
1. Discolored nails
A healthy fingernail should be pink with a touch of pinkish white (moons) near the base. If your nails are a dull color or streaked with other colors, you may have a serious hidden health problem.

Green nails are a sign of bacterial infection
Red streaks in your nail bed are a warning of a heart valve infection
Blueish nails signal low oxygen levels in your blood
Dull nails mean a vitamin deficiency
White nails may signal liver disease, such as hepatitis
Dark stripes at the top (Terrys nails) are associated with aging and congestive heart failure

Scrub those nails clean and really look at your nail color! Given the rainbow of potential health challenges, you want to be sure you see what your fingers are saying.
2. Thick nails
Thick nails are not natural. You want your nails to be strong, but if they resemble talons or claws more than traditional nails watch out!

Thickened nails that are otherwise normal can signal lung disease
Thick and rough-textured nails can signal a fungal infection
Thick and separated nails may mean thyroid disease or psoriasis
Unusual thickness may also be a symptom of a circulation problem

Thickening nails are a change that should tune you in to other health symptoms you may be ignoring. Also watch out for allergic reactions to new medications which can show up as suddenly thick nails!
3. Split nails
Split nails arent just occasionally chipped or shut in doors. Instead, these nails seem to flake away in layers. Dont blame frequent handwashing or nail polish for everything, especially since:

Split nails result from folic acid, Vitamin C, and protein deficiencies
Split nails combined with a pitted nail bed (base) can signal psoriasis, which begins in nails 10% of the time according to WebMD
Split nails may result from chronic malnutrition

Watch what you eat and check the psoriasis connection to fight back and pay more attention to your health overall.
4.Concave (Spoon) nails
Spoon fingernails signal a number of internal issues. To be considered full spoons, nails will be soft and curve up, forming a dip that is often big enough to hold water. Spoon nails signal:

Iron deficiency (usually from anemia)
Hemachromatosis, a liver disorder where your body absorbs too much iron
Heart disease

Your fingernail and health challenges go hand in hand for many people, clearing up their health issue results in their spoon nails returning back to normal.
5. Pitted nails
Small dips or holes in your nails can be a result of banging up your hands or they could be a sign that you need to look more closely at your health. Nail pitting can signal:

Connective tissue disorder
Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss
Zinc deficiency (when the pit seems to form a line across the middle of your nail)

Watch your hand to separate natural dents and dings from real, lasting pits. The first will clear up quickly, but pits linked to disease linger.
6. Ridges
Nails should have smooth surfaces with almost imperceptible lines. Obvious ridge lines are a signal that something is up with your body. Some of the most common conditions associated with heavy ridge lines are:

Iron deficiency
Inflammatory arthritis
Lupus (for red lines at the base of your nails)

Dont just buff away your ridges hear their warning!
7. Dry, brittle nails
You dont need lotion or cuticle oil. If your nails are dry and brittle, you should check your hormone levels andbacterial health.

Thyroid disease leads to brittle, dry fingernails that crack and split easily
Fungus can make nails dry or even crumbly, affecting 12% of all Americans according to the American Academy of Dermatology

Both thyroid and fungal issues take time to treat, so you wont see a difference in the look of your fingernails for a full growth cycle.
8. Clubbed nails
If you have plump skin that seems to swell around the nail, or if your nails seem to have puffed around your fingers, they are said to be clubbed. Clubbed nails can mean:

Lung disease, especially if you already have trouble breathing
Inflammatory bowel disease
Liver disease

Your fingernails wont be the only signs of these diseases, but they can provide confirmation or motivation to seek medical care.
Dont ignore your hands or the health warnings they send. Fingernails and disease are more closely related than you think check your nails often to protect your health!
If You Thought Your Fingernails Had Something Important to Say
Youll Be Amazed By These 6 Blood Tests That May Save Your Life


Whatever you feel on the inside,
You will experience on the outside.

Life reflects back to you the way
You most sincerely and persistently are.

When you're having a joyful day it's because
You've decided to do so.
The world you see is directly
Related to the world you intend to see.

From nothing, in an instant, you can
Create joy. Where there was none before,
You can express love.

Do you realize the awesome power
In your ability to feel the way you.

Choose to feel? With that power you
Can change the world.

You're extraordinarily skilled at
Changing your feelings, and you've
Had much experience at doing so.

Beautiful feeling manifests in the
World around you.

This is your moment to live more
Fully than you've ever lived.

Feel the possibilities,
And bring them joyfully to life.


Men are like... place mats. They only show up when there's food on the table.

Men are like... mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

Men are like... bike helmets. Handy in an emergency, but otherwise they just look silly.

Men are like... government bonds. They take so long to mature.

Men are like... parking spots. All the good ones are taken.

Men are like... copiers. You need them for reproduction, but that's about it.

Men are like... lava lamps. Fun to look at, but not all that bright.

Men are like... bank accounts. Without a lot of money, they don't generate much interest.

Men are like... high heels. They're easy to walk on once you get the hang of it.

Men are like... miniskirts. If you're not careful, they'll creep up your legs.


Your Stomach Secretes Corrosive Acid
There's one dangerous liquid no airport security can confiscate from you: It's in your gut. Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world. It can pickle steel, but mucous lining the stomach wall keeps this poisonous liquid safely in the digestive system, breaking down lunch.

Body Position Affects Your Memory
Can't remember your anniversary, hubby? Try getting down on one knee. Memories are highly embodied in our senses. A scent or sound may evoke a distant episode from one's childhood. The connections can be obvious (a bicycle bell makes you remember your old paper route) or inscrutable. A recent study helps decipher some of this embodiment. An article in the January 2007 issue of Cognition reports that episodes from your past are remembered faster and better while in a body position similar to the pose struck during the event.

Bones Break (Down) to Balance Minerals
In addition to supporting the bag of organs and muscles that is our body, bones help regulate our calcium levels. Bones contain both phosphorus and calcium, the latter of which is needed by muscles and nerves. If the element is in short supply, certain hormones will cause bones to break downeupping calcium levels in the bodyeuntil the appropriate extracellular concentration is reached.

Much of a Meal is Food For Thought
Though it makes up only 2 percent of our total body weight, the brain demands 20 percent of the body's oxygen and calories. To keep our noggin well-stocked with resources, three major cerebral arteries are constantly pumping in oxygen. A blockage or break in one of them starves brain cells of the energy they require to function, impairing the functions controlled by that region. This is a stroke.

Thousands of Eggs Unused by Ovaries
When a woman reaches her late 40s or early 50s, the monthly menstrual cycle that controls her hormone levels and readies ova for insemination ceases. Her ovaries have been producing less and less estrogen, inciting physical and emotional changes across her body. Her underdeveloped egg follicles begin to fail to release ova as regularly as before. The average adolescent girl has 34,000 underdeveloped egg follicles, although only 350 or so mature during her life (at the rate of about one per month). The unused egg follicles then deteriorate. With no potential pregnancy on the horizon, the brain can stop managing the release of ova.

Puberty Reshapes Brain Structure, Makes for Missed Curfews
We know that hormone-fueled changes in the body are necessary to encourage growth and ready the body for reproduction. But why is adolescence so emotionally unpleasant? Hormones like testosterone actually influence the development of neurons in the brain, and the changes made to brain structure have many behavioral consequences. Expect emotional awkwardness, apathy and poor decision-making skills as regions in the frontal cortex mature.

Cell Hairs Move Mucus
Most cells in our bodies sport hair-like organelles called cilia that help out with a variety of functions, from digestion to hearing. In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat. Cold weather slows down the draining process, causing a mucus backup that can leave you with snotty sleeves. Swollen nasal membranes or condensation can also cause a stuffed schnozzle.

Big Brains Cause Cramped Mouths
Evolution isn't perfect. If it were, we might have wings instead of wisdom teeth. Sometimes useless features stick around in a species simply because they're not doing much harm. But wisdom teeth weren't always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars. But as our brains grew our jawbone structure changed, leaving us with expensively overcrowded mouths.

The World Laughs with You
Just as watching someone yawn can induce the behavior in yourself, recent evidence suggests that laughter is a social cue for mimicry. Hearing a laugh actually stimulates the brain region associated with facial movements. Mimicry plays an important role in social interaction. Cues like sneezing, laughing, crying and yawning may be ways of creating strong social bonds within a group.

Your Skin Has Four Colors
All skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. A yellow pigment also tints the canvas. Lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to ultraviolet rays, appears black in large amounts. These four hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth.


They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up against injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes
so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor
with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear
about a birth or a new marriage.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think
there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all sizes,
in all colors and shapes.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!
Women do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.

Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.


Law Professor: Which is the most important LAW of Finance
for Starting a New

Student: Father-in-Law!

Before marriage: Roses are red, sky is blue. U r beautiful, I luv u.

After marriage: Roses are dead, I'm blue. U r my headache, one day I'll kill u.

Man: Is there any way for long life?

Dr: Get married.

Man: Will it help?

Dr: No, but the thought of long life will never come.

What's the biggest pressure for Pak captain when Pak needs 1 run to win in 8 oevrs, with 5 wickets in hand?

Ya Allah! How to speak English in presentation ceremony?

Beggar: Saab 12Rs do na coffee peeni hai.

Man: Lekin coffee to 6Rs ki hai?

Beggar: Par saab girlfrend bhi to hai.

Man: Bhikari hokar bhi GF banali.

Beggar: Na saab,GF ne Bhikari bana diya!

Q: Why do women live longer than men?

A: Shopping never causes heart attacks, but paying the bill does!

Whats the diff between Complete & Finished?

If you find good wife u r complete otherwise u r finished.

So many options: Poison, sleeping pills, hanging, jumping from a building, lying on train tracks, but we chose Marriage, slow and sure!

Have u heard about the man who threw his wife into a pond of crocodiles?

He's now being harassed by the animal rights for being cruel to the crocodiles.

Two men r talking. 1st: I got married coz I was tired of eating out, cleaning the house, doing the laundry & wearing shabby clothes.

2nd: Amazing, I just got divorced for the very same reasons

Wife: If I dismiss the cook and make the food myself for a month, what will you pay me?

Husband: I won't have to pay you, you'll get my entire insurance amount.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Most Rarest Flowers in the World
When spring is in full swing, there is no denying how beautiful the world looks. The trees get new leaves and with them come an array of colorful flowers. Here are the list of rare, endangered and in some cases extinct in the wild flowers. The reason most of these carry the title of rare, is because humans do not have the ability to work in perfect harmony with nature. Regardless of what drove them to become rarities, the following plants are far and few between, and having the opportunity to see one for yourself should be a celebrated occurrence.
10. Jade Vine - Strongylodon macrobotrys

The jade vine is a rare woody vine native to the tropical rainforests of the Philippines. It is a member of the pea and bean family and is closely related to kidney beans. The plant carries claw shaped flowers which grow from hanging trusses; they can reach up to three meters in length. The flower's color can vary from blue green to mint green. The species has proven extremely difficult to propagate, and is considered an endangered species due to the destruction of its habitat and a decrease in natural pollinators.

9. Corpse Flower - Rafflesia arnoldii
This fascinating flower is found mainly in low lying tropical rainforests of Indonesia. This is one of the world's rarest, most endangered and largest flowers and it can reach a total width of over a meter. The Rafflesia's survival is totally dependent on a specific vine called the Tetrastigma vine. As the Rafflesia is a bodiless, stemless, leafless, rootless parasite, it requires the vine for nourishment and support. It is also a carrion plant, which means that it releases a pungent rotten flesh smell when in bloom to attract flies and carrion beetles to aid in pollination. Once in bloom, the flower will only last about a week before dying.

8. Gibraltar Campion - Silene tomentosa
This species of Campion is particularly rare and is only found on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. This plant was believed extinct by the entire scientific community outside Gibraltar in the 1980s but the Gibraltar botanical section knew there were a few specimens left. Sadly, by 1992
all traces of the plant had vanished and it was declared extinct. In 1994 a single specimen was discovered by a climber on the inaccessible cliffs and the species came back to life. It was propagated at the millennium seed bank and specimens are grown at The Almeda Gibraltar
Botanic Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7. Franklin Tree - Franklinia alatamaha
This tree is a part of the tea family but is the sole species in its genus and a very rare flowering plant. The tree is native to the Altamaha river valley in Georgia, but has been extinct in the wild since the early 19th century. In fact this beautiful tree is only known today because of the Bartram family, who were avid horticulturists and propagated the tree before its extinction in the wild. The plant, which has fragrant white blooms and leaves that turn into a bright red color in fall, is now a popular ornamental plant. All the examples of this tree today stem from one of the trees propagated by the Bartram's.

6. Parrot's Beak - Lotus berthelotii
This is a beautiful flower that has been classed as exceedingly rare since 1884. It is believed to be completely extinct in the wild, but a few individuals might have survived. This stunning plant is endemic to the Canary Islands and is believed to have originally been pollinated bysunbirds, which have long since become extinct in the Canary Islands. This could help to explain the scarcity of the plant. Experiments have been undertaken to find new pollinators for the flowers, in hopes that they can successfully be reintroduced to the Islands, but as of 2008, nofruit had been successfully produced. The Parrot's beak is however cultivated in the horticulture trade, which can allow even you to own one!

5. Chocolate Cosmos - Cosmos atrosanguineus
This is a dark red to brown species of Cosmos, native to Mexico. Sadly it has been extinct in the wild for over a hundred years. The species survives today as a single non fertile clone, which was created in 1902 by vegetative propagation. The flowers which are produced by the plant are a rich deep red to brown color and grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter. The flowers have a lovely vanillin fragrance in the summer (also found in vanilla beans, some coffee beans and some cacao beans), which also makes it a wonderful ornamental plant.

4. Kokai - Kokai cookei
This is an extremely rare tree, endemic to Hawaii. It was discovered in 1860, at which time only three specimens could be found. The tree proved difficult to propagate, and by 1950, after the last seedling died, it was deemed extinct. In 1970 a sole survivor was found, which was sadly destroyed in a fire in 1978. Luckily one of the branches of that last remaining tree was saved, and grafted into 23 trees that exist today, all of which are situated in various places in Hawaii. The Kokai is a small tree that grows to about 10-11 meters high. Their most striking feature has to be the hundreds of bright red flowers that mature trees produce annually. Sadly that is a rarity which few will be privileged to see.

3. Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers - Cypripedium calceolus
This is an extremely rare type of wild orchid found across Europe. Britain's only example of this plant, which used to be more common and widespread, can be found on a golf course and has been under strict police protection since 1917. A single cutting can be sold for US$5000, which is shocking as the plant is very difficult to propagate. Its seeds bear no nourishment for the growing plant, so it lives in a symbiotic relationship with a specific type of fungus, which provides it with nourishment, until the adult leaves can produce enough nourishment for the plant, at which time the fungus will also live off it. There are many types of Lady slipper orchids, many of which are rare. This specific type, has dark purple to almost red brown tendrils with a
bright yellow slipper or moccasin.

2. Ghost Orchid - Epipogium aphyllum
The Ghost orchid is a fascinating rare plant that was presumed extinct for almost 20 years, only recently did it rear its head again. The plant is so rare because it is basically impossible to propagate. It has no leaves, does not depend on photosynthesis and does not manufacture its
own food. Like the Lady slipper, it needs a specific fungus in close contact with its root system, which feeds it. The Ghost orchid never grows leaves, and will therefore always depend on the fungus for its nourishment. The Ghost orchid can live underground for years, without showing any external signs and will only bloom when all conditions are optimum. This explains why some orchid enthusiasts search for years and years just to have a glimpse of this elusive flower.

1. Middlemist Red - Middlemist camellia
This is probably the rarest flowering plant in the world as there are only 2 known examples. One can be found in a garden in New Zealand and the other is situated in a greenhouse in Britain. The plant was originally brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist (after whom the plant was named) in 1804. It has since been completely wiped out in China. The plant in Britain remained barren for years and only started bearing flowers recently. The flowers are, contrary to its name, bright pink in color and look almost rose like. It is believed to be highly possible that more examples of this species has survived in people's gardens, unbeknown to them, as it was once sold directly to the public by John Middlemist.


1. What is the expansion ( Full Form ) of YAHOO?
Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle
2. What is the expansion ( Full Form ) of ADIDAS?
ADIDAS- All Day I Dream About Sports
3. Expansion of Star as in Star TV Network?
Satellite Television Asian Region
4. What is expansion of "ICICI?"
Industrial credit and Investments Corporation of India
5. The 1984-85 season. 2nd ODI between India and Pakistan at Sialkot -
India 210/3 with Vengsarkar 94*. Match abandoned. Why?
That match was abandoned after people heard
the news of Indira Gandhi being killed.
6. Who is the only man to have written the National Anthems
for two different countries?
Rabindranath Tagore who wrote national anthem for two different
countries one is our 's National anthem and another one is for
Bangladesh- (Amar Sonar* *Bangla )
7. From what four word expression does the word `goodbye` derive?
Goodbye comes from the ex-pression: 'god be with you'.
8. How was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu better known?
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is none other Mother Teresa
9. Name the only other country to have got independence on Aug 15th?
South Korea
10. Why was James Bond Associated with the Number 007?
Because 007 is the ISD code for Russia (or the USSR , as it was known during the cold war)
11. Who faced the first ball in the first ever One day match?
Geoffrey Boycott
12. Which cricketer played for South Africa before it was banned
from international cricket and later represented Zimbabwe ?
John Traicos
13. Which is the only country that is surrounded from all sides by
only one country (other than Vatican )?
Lesotho surrounded from all sides by South Africa ..
14. Which is the only sport which is not allowed to play left handed?


What a kiss means....actually read the whole thing cuz its nice.....

+Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
+Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"

What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"

+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.

+Post this again after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.

If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head
then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you.
Repost this as "what a kiss means..


It was the coldest winter ever.
Many animals died because of the cold.
The porcupines, realizing the situation,
decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and
protected themselves; but the quills of
each one wounded their closest companions.
After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other
and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they
had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their
Companions or disappear from the Earth.
Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with
the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions
in order to receive the heat that came from the
others. This way they were able to survive.
The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but
when each individual learns to live with the imperfectio ns of others
and can admire the other person's good qualities.
The moral of the story is:
Just learn to live with the Pricks in your life!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Husband & Wife

Every Wife Is A 'Mistress" For Her Husband. "Miss" For One Hour & "Stress" For the Rest 23 Hours!
There Are Two Times When A Man Doesn't Understand A Woman Before Marriage And After Marriage.
Marriage Is Like A Public Toilet Those Waiting Outside Are Desperate To Get In & Those Inside Are Desperate To Come Out.
Husband Searching Keywords on Google `How to Tackle Wife? `
Google Search Result, `still Searching`.
Man Goes To See The Rabbi. "Rabbi, Something Terrible Is Happening And I Have To Talk To You About It."
The Rabbi Asked, "What's Wrong?"
The Man Replied, "My Wife Is Poisoning Me."
The Rabbi, Very Surprised By This, Asks, "How Can That Be?"
The man then pleads, "I'm telling you, I'm certain she's poisoning me, what I should do?"
The Rabbi Then Offers, "Tell You What. Let Me Talk to Her, I'll See What I Can Find out and I'll Let You Know."
The Rabbi Calls after a while And Says, "Well I Spoke To Her For Three Hours. You Want My Advice?"
The Man Said Yes
The Rabbi Replied, "Take the poison
Difference Between Complete & Finish... People say there is no difference between COMPLETE & FINISH But there is. When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE.... And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED..... And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are ... COMPLETELY FINISHED

Monday, February 13, 2012

to be strong

tough-times-header.jpgWhen I was studying in my 12 grade, my elder sister, a teacher by profession, sent me a post card having these lines. “Don’t be afraid of problems. Meet them, greet them, treat them and you will surely defeat them” So I dedicate this article to my sister for teaching a wonderful lesson of life; the life which is tougher than a teacher. Because the teacher teaches first and then takes the test whereas life puts us in test and then teach a lesson. These lessons come in different tastes (mostly bitter J) because of the unavoidable circumstances such as Financial Issues, Marital issues, Clash due to difference of opinion, Accidents and Mistakes done by us. In such situations following points can be considered in order to cope up:

1- Confess that you have a situation which you need to face in order to fix. Yes, this is very important factor. I know a lot of people, trying to convince themselves that nothing is wrong, though stress keeps building at the back of their heads. Consequently, the stress explodes all of a sudden resulting in extreme outcomes. So the foremost thing is to tell yourself that you have to address the issue, instead of ignoring it.

2- Consider if the problem is something you should be really bothering about? Ask yourself whether it is not going to impact you if not addressed? If not, simply disregard it and be happy. However, if your brain think about the problem again and again then consider point-1 J

3- Chose your attitude… Consider the wow approach. To learn about it please follow the link

4- Consider if there are other people having same problem. If yes, check what they are doing to handle the situation. Search on internet, visit online answering services such as yahoo or wikihow.

5- Consider if you can breakdown the problem in smaller problems and fix each problem one by one. If you would like to develop analytical skills please read

6- Remember, if we cannot laugh again and again on the same joke, you shouldn’t be worrying on the same issue again and again. Control your thoughts. You might want to read more on this at

7- Don’t allow people to make your life miserable. No one is in-charge of your happiness except you so ignore negative comments and suggestions. Please read my article

Conclusion: A wise man is the one who learns from other’s mistake. If you really want to be strong, you need to develop strong observation skills. You need to closely study people on how they behave at stressful situations. So keep observing and keep learning new horizons of inner power at the cost of others’ experiences J.

Finally, don’t give up. The successful and optimist people find solutions in nearly all kind of circumstances. So it’s your choice either to be successful or to be a loser!

What are your suggestions on ‘how to behave in hard moments’?

Article Reference: 0012-mjunaidtahir-paradigmwisdom-13Feb12- How to be strong in hard moments?

Women smell male intentions

Women smell male intentions

Attached Image: women_smell.jpg
SCENT OF A MAN: Researchers say humans communicate through subconscious chemical signals

Washington: Women can really tell what’s on the male mind by the “scent of a man”. Researchers in the US say women respond to a man’s sexual perspiration differently than they do to his normal sweat.
Denise Chen, assistant professor of psychology at Rice University, looked at the process the female brain undergoes to encode the smell of sexual sweat from men. Researchers studied natural human sexual sweat using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Chen and her colleagues asked 20 heterosexual guys to stop wearing deodorant and scented products for a few days. Then they told the men to put small pads in their armpits as they watched pornographic videos and became aroused (the researchers confirmed, using electrodes, that the images did the job). Later, the guys were asked to exchange those pads for fresh pads to collect the sweat they produced when they weren’t aroused. Then the researchers recruited 19 brave women to smell the men’s pads while undergoing brain scans.
Sure enough, the women’s brains responded very differently depending on which sweat they sniffed. The sexual sweat, but not the normal sweat, activated the right orbitofrontal cortex and the right fusiform cortex, brain areas that help us recognize emotions and perceive things, respectively. Both regions are in the right hemisphere, which is generally involved in smell, social response, and emotion.
The findings bolster the idea that humans do communicate via subconscious chemical signals, notes Chen in her study, which was published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Our sexual intentions, in other words, may be a lot clearer than we ever intended them to be. That crush you have on your co-worker? She may already know — at least subconsciously. AGENCIES

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Words go unspoken

So many words go unspoken,
As we linger here in the dark.
There is a thing or two I wish you to know,
But all the words seem to slip away,
As you tenderly wrap me in your embrace.

Still I wish I could find a way to say,
I never thought dreams could come true
Yet you showed me that they do,
When you came into my life.
You set my soul free,
With every kiss we share.

That from the moment I saw your face,
These feelings washed over me
Like a tidal wave agaist the jagged shore.
Tell me you feel the same.
Tell me there is nowhere else you would rather be.
Then here at this momemnt in each others arms.

So many words go unspoken
As we linger here in the dark.
Trying to find a way to let the other know
How wonderful life is here together silent in the dark.

Sex: when does not want

Men may think of sex every six seconds but there are also times when they avoid having it


Certain medicines may have many side effects on the body; some of them often have a direct impact on the man’s libido levels. The drugs affect the chemical reactions in the brain and cause loss of interest in sex. Medications that ought to deal with depression and diabetes often lead to loss of sexual desire. A way out of the situation is to consult your doctor to know if an alternate medication is possible, that wouldn’t cause as much harm to one’s libido level.


Lack of sleep not only affects one’s thinking capacity and performance levels in office, but also causes a backlash in one’s sex life. When the daily sleep requirements aren’t met, the body experiences extreme fatigue and a good night’s sleep seems far more tempting as compared to having sex.


A man's testosterone level has a direct impact on his libido level. And if your partner has been showing no interest in sex, chances are it’s due to low levels of testosterone hormone. Low testosterone level is not very common among men. However, it can be a potent reason why your man might be losing interest in sex. Age is also an important factor when we speak of low testosterone levels. For example, a middleaged man might be facing low testosterone levels owing to male menopause.


Men often feel uncertain about their role in society due to identity issues that come up in their professional and personal life. It can be issues such as dealing with a difficult boss or death of an important family member. Going through a phase of divorce also hampers one’s belief in relationships and thereby affects the man’s desire in bed.


Stress has become synonymous with today’s lifestyle. Be it the stress levels at work or even the need to multitask at every step. While the sources are many, a common impact of this is loss of desire. It is important for men going through such high stress levels to identify the various sources contributing to it and deal with them one at a time.


In a relationship, the man and woman may have different notions of pleasure and the degree to which it is okay to experiment. Very often, the man may want to do something that the woman is not quite comfortable with or even vice versa. Alternatively, the partners may have varied notions when it comes to things like frequency and intimacy in their relationship. Such disagreements lead to strained relationships and depression that has a direct impact on the man’s libido levels. While some may purposely abstain from sex to push their point of view, others may genuinely lose interest.


The man may be facing issues like Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or may also be suffering from premature ejaculation, leaving the partner dissatisfied. A few instances of ‘poor performance’ affects their self-esteem and it causes added pressure the next time they get into the act. With such performance expectations, loss of desire is inevitable.
The reasons may be purely organic or psychological and it is important to tackle it accordingly. For example, indulging in stop and start exercise can benefit those suffering from early ejaculation and avoiding alcohol may help in dealing with erectile dysfunction.


With issues like penis size being hyped to a great extent, it is bound to create self-esteem issues among men who feel they aren’t ‘well endowed’ even if that’s not the case. Many a times, the partner’s body (small breasts, being too thin or too fat) may be the issue, courtesy the hoard of hourglass figures that one sees all around on billboards and magazines. And when self-image doesn’t meet up to your own expectations, it could lead to loss of desire.


Many a times, other sexual habits of men can affect their desire for intercourse. Not because they have any ill effects on one’s sex life, but because over-addiction to pornography, leading to sexual activities could reduce one’s preference for regular intercourse. When stimulation modes differ in a way that’s not possible during normal intercourse, it leads to reduced desire for sex with one’s partner. TNN

Fantasy of women

A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying a cocktail after work one night,

When the bar door opened and the most gorgeous hunk of a man she had ever seen entered.

He was tall, muscular, and handsome, with thick dark hair and beautiful, sparkling green eyes, and his every movement was so masculine and sensuous that the woman could not help but stare.

The man noticed that he was the object of the woman's rapt attention, and with a sly, sexy smile, approached her.

Blushing, she prepared to apologize for staring, but he leaned close and whispered in her ear.

"I'll do anything," he whispered in a deep, soft voice. "Anything, absolutely anything you want, anything you have ever fantasized, for fifty dollars. There's just one condition... "

Trembling with anticipation, the woman asked him the condition. The man said, "You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words."

The women gazed into his hypnotic eyes, considering the proposition, then reached into her handbag and took out fifty dollars. She scribbled her address on a napkin, folded it around the cash, and pressed it into his waiting hand. She leaned over and whispered into his ear...

Top 10 Universities in the World

14+University of Pennsylvania 12 Top 25 Universities Of The World

25. Kyoto University, Japan
01+Kyoto University 25 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Kyoto University rated as 25th best university in World University Rankings. Founded in 1897, Kyoto University has deeply considered its traditions of liberal and academic freedom, educating many. We continue to actively maintain these principles, which are the foundation of academic freedom. Kyoto University places top priority on basic research, develops advanced technology leading to the acquisition of intellectual property, and then returns this knowledge to society through education, social cooperation, and the opportunity for lifelong education. Kyoto University has 3 campuses nestled in a basin, which forms the main part of Kyoto, a city which in tradition and culture of which Kyoto University is a part. 24 More universities after the break…
24. University of Hong Kong
02+University of Hong Kong 24 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Hong Kong rated as 24th best university in World University Rankings . The University of Hong Kong is the territory’s oldest university, and with a history that stretches back more than 90 years, it has grown with and helped shape the city from which it takes its name. The University of Hong Kong, as a pre-eminent international university in Asia, seeks to sustain and enhance its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and world-class research so as to produce well-rounded graduates with lifelong abilities to provide leadership within the societies they serve. HKU has won a proud reputation as a world-class comprehensive research university. It offers internationally recognized qualifications and it is renowned for its academic and research excellence worldwide. As an English-medium university in China, HKU also offers researchers unique opportunities to bridge cultures and continents, and to explore more on China-related studies.
23. King’s College London
03+Kings College London 23 Top 25 Universities Of The World
King’s College London rated as 23rd best university in World University Rankings. King’s College London is a constituent college of the University of London in the United Kingdom. The college was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829, and its royal charter is predated in England only by those of Oxford University and Cambridge University.. There are currently more than 19,000 students in nine Schools of study based at our five London campuses. We offer a vast range of undergraduate programmes, and whichever programme you choose to pursue, you will work with academics who are often national or international leaders in their field. As an undergraduate at King’s, you will become part of a vibrant and intellectually stimulating community. You will be inspired by researchers, discoverers and inventors who are pushing the boundaries of knowledge and will mix with students from across the UK, Europe and almost every country in the world. King’s has played a major role in many of the advances that have shaped modern life, such as the discovery of the structure of DNA. It is the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe and is home to five Medical Research Council Centres – more than any other university.
22. University of Tokyo
04+University of Tokyo 22 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Tokyo rated as 22th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Tokyo abbreviated as Todai, is a major research university located in Tokyo, Japan. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its five campuses are in Hongo-, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano. It is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in Japan.
21. University of Edinburgh
05+University of Edinburgh 21 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Edinburgh rated as 21st best university in World University Rankings. The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1583, making it one of Scotland’s ancient universities. The University offers over 600 first degree programmes, which includes over 300 joint degree combinations, spread across some 100 academic disciplines. More than 22,000 students study here, from all over the world and from a variety of backgrounds. The University has 22 Schools in three Colleges: Humanities & Social Science, Medicine & Veterinary Medicine, and Science & Engineering. World renowned and well respected, a degree from the University of Edinburgh will be recognised wherever you go. The University of Edinburgh’s success is not limited to Scotland, or even the UK. We have a well-deserved international reputation for excellence, as demonstrated in our partnerships with other key institutions worldwide, such as our work with Stanford University on Informatics. Many of our degree programmes offer the opportunity to spend some time studying abroad. Perhaps this international dimension helps explain why we have the largest proportion of international students of any Scottish university.

20. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
06+ETH Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 20 Top 25 Universities Of The World
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) rated as 20th best university in World University Rankings. ETH Zurich’s 16 departments offer Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes in engineering and natural sciences. The language of instruction in the Bachelor programmes is German, whereas English is the prime language on the graduate level. All degree programmes provide a solid scientific foundation combined with outstanding all-round skills, equipping ETH graduates with the abilities and flexibility needed for a career in industry, business or the public sector, as entrepreneur or scientist.
19. University of Michigan, United States
07+University of Michigan 19 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Michigan rated as 18th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Michigan, one of the world’s leading public universities, has 26,000 undergraduate and 15,000 graduate/professional students from all 50 states and 117 countries. Students may choose from over 200 undergraduate majors, over 90 master’s programs, and over 100 doctoral programs. Numerous research and study abroad opportunities are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. A wide variety of social, cultural, and athletic activities are available. There is something for everyone here. The University is located in the culturally rich and exciting community of Ann Arbor. Distinct yet closely integrated with the University, Ann Arbor offers its own array of social and cultural offerings, to which University students are enthusiastically welcomed. The city is home to numerous parks and athletic facilities, and boasts an excellent public transportation system.

18. Mcgill University, Canada
08+Mcgill University Canada 18 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Mcgill University rated as 18th best university in World University Rankings. Innovative research programs and cutting-edge facilities including our brand new Life Sciences Complex attract internationally respected faculty. Our faculty excel at research; in 2008, McGill professors Nahum Sonenberg and Charles Taylor took home, respectively, the Gairdner International Award and the Kyoto Prize, two of the world’s top research prizes. McGill’s faculty are committed to excellence in teaching, too, bringing their cutting-edge breakthroughs into the classroom. McGill’s 21 faculties and professional schools offer degrees in more than 300 fields of study. McGill offers a full range of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs as well as professional degrees in law, dentistry, business and medicine. The world-renowned Faculty of Medicine has four affiliated teaching hospitals and graduates more than 1,000 health care professionals each year.
17. Australian National University
09+Australian National University 17 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Australian National University rated as 17th best university in World University Rankings. The Australian National University is one of the world’s foremost research universities. Distinguished by its relentless pursuit of excellence, ANU attracts leading academics and outstanding students from Australia and around the world. The primary educational objective of ANU is to become the university of choice for talented students locally, nationally and internationally by offering a unique range of research-led degree programs. Graduate education continues as one of the major focuses of the University and about one quarter of the total enrolment is undertaking post-graduate study. Regardless of whether those students are enrolled in the Institute of Advanced Studies or the Faculties, the full resources of both and of University Centres are available to them through the Graduate School.

16. Stanford University, United States
10+Stanford University Hoover Tower 16 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Stanford University rated as 16th best university in World University Rankings. Stanford University, founded in 1885, is recognized as one of the world’s leading research and teaching institutions, with one of the most renowned faculties in the nation. Stanford students men and women of all races, ethnicities and ages are distinguished by their love of learning and desire to contribute to the greater community. Stanford University offers its students a remarkable range of academic and extracurricular activities. We are committed to offering an education that is unrivaled among research universities.

15. Cornell University, United States
11+Cornell University 15 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Cornell University rated as 15th best university in World University Rankings. Once called “the first American university” by educational historian Frederick Rudolph, Cornell University represents a distinctive mix of eminent scholarship and democratic ideals. Adding practical subjects to the classics and admitting qualified students regardless of nationality, race, social circumstance, gender, or religion was quite a departure when Cornell was founded in 1865. Today’s Cornell reflects this heritage of egalitarian excellence. It is home to the nation’s first colleges devoted to hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and veterinary medicine. Both a private university and the land-grant institution of New York State, Cornell University is the most educationally diverse member of the Ivy League.
14. Duke University, United States
12+duke university 14 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Duke University rated as 14th best university in World University Rankings. Duke University was created in 1924 by James Buchanan Duke as a memorial to his father, Washington Duke. The Dukes, a Durham family that built a worldwide financial empire in the manufacture of tobacco and developed electricity production in the Carolinas, long had been interested in Trinity College. Trinity traced its roots to 1838 in nearby Randolph County when local Methodist and Quaker communities opened Union Institute. The school, then-named Trinity College, moved to Durham in 1892. In December 1924, the provisions of James B. Duke’s indenture created the family philanthropic foundation, The Duke Endowment, which provided for the expansion of Trinity College into Duke University.

13. Johns Hopkins University, United States
13+Johns Hopkins University 13 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Johns Hopkins University rated as 13th best university in World University Rankings. The Johns Hopkins University, founded in Baltimore in 1876, was the first university in the Western Hemisphere founded on the model of the European research institution, where research and the advancement of knowledge were integrally linked to teaching. Its establishment began a revolution in U.S. higher education. The Johns Hopkins University, commonly referred to as Johns Hopkins, JHU, or simply Hopkins, is a private research university located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Johns Hopkins also maintains full-time campuses elsewhere in Maryland, Washington, D.C., Italy, China, and Singapore. Johns Hopkins University has an affiliated hospital and medical school. It is one of fourteen founding members of the Association of American Universities.

12. University of Pennsylvania, United States
14+University of Pennsylvania 12 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Pennsylvania rated as 12th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Pennsylvania (commonly referred to as Penn or UPenn) is a private research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Penn is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States, and is one of several institutions that claims to have been the first university in America. Penn is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the Colonial Colleges. University of Pennsylvania has been committed to excellence in scholarship, research and service. From its highly regarded undergraduate, graduate and professional schools to its wide-ranging program of interdisciplinary research and scholarship, Penn takes pride in being a place where students and faculty can pursue knowledge without boundaries, a place where theory and practice combine to produce a better understanding of our world and ourselves.

11. Columbia University, United States
15+Columbia University 11 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Columbia University rated as 11th best university in World University Rankings. Columbia University is one of the world’s most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. The University recognizes the importance of its location in New York City and seeks to link its research and teaching to the vast resources of a great metropolis. It seeks to attract a diverse and international faculty and student body, to support research and teaching on global issues, and to create academic relationships with many countries and regions. It expects all areas of the university to advance knowledge and learning at the highest level and to convey the products of its efforts to the world.

10. California Institute of Technology (caltech)
16+California Institute of Technology 10 Top 25 Universities Of The World
California Institute of Technology (caltech) rated as 10th best university in World University Rankings. The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.
09. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit), United States
17+Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) rated as 9th best university in World University Rankings. The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
08. PRINCETON University, United States
18+PRINCETON University 8 Top 25 Universities Of The World
PRINCETON University rated as 8th best university in World University Rankings. Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. As a research university, it seeks to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge and understanding, and in the education of graduate students. At the same time, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to undergraduate teaching. The University provides its students with academic, extracurricular and other resources — in a residential community committed to diversity in its student body, faculty and staff — that help them achieve at the highest scholarly levels and prepare them for positions of leadership and lives of service in many fields of human endeavor.
07. University of CHICAGO, United States
19+University of CHICAGO 07 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of CHICAGO rated as the 7th best university in World University Rankings. The University of Chicago was founded in 1890 by the American Baptist Education Society and oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. The University of Chicago has had a profound impact on American higher education; curricula across the country have been influenced by the emphasis on broad humanistic and scientific undergraduate education. The University also has a well-deserved reputation as the teacher of teachers.
06. University of OXFORD, United Kingdom
20+University of OXFORD United Kingdom 06 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of OXFORD rated the sixth best university in World University Rankings. Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000. Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.
05. IMPERIAL College London
21+IMPERIAL College London 05 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Imperial College London, rated the fifth best university in the world for. Imperial College London is a university of world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering and medicine, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. The College has over 3,000 academic and research staff and almost 14,000 students from over 120 different countries. Our reputation for excellence in teaching and research in science, engineering, medicine and business attracts students and staff of the highest international calibre. Imperial College staff are frequently consulted by governments, and also act as members of professional bodies, advise industry, and offer informed comment to the media.

04. UCL (University College London)
22+UCL University College London 04 Top 25 Universities Of The World
UCL (University College London) rated the fourth best university in World University Rankings. UCL is a multidisciplinary university with an international reputation for the quality of its research and teaching across the academic spectrum, with subjects spanning the sciences, arts, social sciences and biomedicine. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) UCL was rated the best research university in London, and third in the UK overall, for the number of its submissions which were considered of world-leading quality. The university is located on a compact site in the very heart of London and is surrounded by the greatest concentration of libraries, museums, archives, cultural institutions and professional bodies in Europe.

03. Yale University, United States
23+Yale University United States 03 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Yale University rated as third best university in the World University Rankings. Yale University is one of the most famous schools in the United States, with a long history of service and an alumni list that reads like a “Who’s Who” of successful people. Yale University is the fulfillment of a European vision of intellectual freedom that is aimed at the service of the community and country. It has championed over history and survived the most destructive calamities such as the American Revolution. Since then, the university has continually grown and progressed to a center for high quality education that is recognized by the global community. The university is considered one of the oldest institution of higher education in the US. It was founded in 1701 and is a proud member of the prestigious Ivy League.
02. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
24+University of Cambridge United Kingdom 02 Top 25 Universities Of The World
University of Cambridge rated the second best in World University Rankings. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges. Its reputation is endorsed by the Quality Assurance Agency and by other external reviewers of learning and teaching, such as External Examiners. These high standards are the result of both the learning opportunities offered at Cambridge and by its extensive resources, including libraries, museums and other collections. Teaching consists not only of lectures, seminars and practical classes led by people who are world experts in their field, but also more personalised teaching arranged through the Colleges. Many opportunities exist for students to interact with scholars of all levels, both formally and informally.
01. Harvard University, United States
25+harvard university 01 Top 25 Universities Of The World
Harvard University rated as the number one university in World University Rankings. Harvard is America’s oldest institution of higher learning, founded 140 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. The University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.