Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sex: when does not want

Men may think of sex every six seconds but there are also times when they avoid having it


Certain medicines may have many side effects on the body; some of them often have a direct impact on the man’s libido levels. The drugs affect the chemical reactions in the brain and cause loss of interest in sex. Medications that ought to deal with depression and diabetes often lead to loss of sexual desire. A way out of the situation is to consult your doctor to know if an alternate medication is possible, that wouldn’t cause as much harm to one’s libido level.


Lack of sleep not only affects one’s thinking capacity and performance levels in office, but also causes a backlash in one’s sex life. When the daily sleep requirements aren’t met, the body experiences extreme fatigue and a good night’s sleep seems far more tempting as compared to having sex.


A man's testosterone level has a direct impact on his libido level. And if your partner has been showing no interest in sex, chances are it’s due to low levels of testosterone hormone. Low testosterone level is not very common among men. However, it can be a potent reason why your man might be losing interest in sex. Age is also an important factor when we speak of low testosterone levels. For example, a middleaged man might be facing low testosterone levels owing to male menopause.


Men often feel uncertain about their role in society due to identity issues that come up in their professional and personal life. It can be issues such as dealing with a difficult boss or death of an important family member. Going through a phase of divorce also hampers one’s belief in relationships and thereby affects the man’s desire in bed.


Stress has become synonymous with today’s lifestyle. Be it the stress levels at work or even the need to multitask at every step. While the sources are many, a common impact of this is loss of desire. It is important for men going through such high stress levels to identify the various sources contributing to it and deal with them one at a time.


In a relationship, the man and woman may have different notions of pleasure and the degree to which it is okay to experiment. Very often, the man may want to do something that the woman is not quite comfortable with or even vice versa. Alternatively, the partners may have varied notions when it comes to things like frequency and intimacy in their relationship. Such disagreements lead to strained relationships and depression that has a direct impact on the man’s libido levels. While some may purposely abstain from sex to push their point of view, others may genuinely lose interest.


The man may be facing issues like Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or may also be suffering from premature ejaculation, leaving the partner dissatisfied. A few instances of ‘poor performance’ affects their self-esteem and it causes added pressure the next time they get into the act. With such performance expectations, loss of desire is inevitable.
The reasons may be purely organic or psychological and it is important to tackle it accordingly. For example, indulging in stop and start exercise can benefit those suffering from early ejaculation and avoiding alcohol may help in dealing with erectile dysfunction.


With issues like penis size being hyped to a great extent, it is bound to create self-esteem issues among men who feel they aren’t ‘well endowed’ even if that’s not the case. Many a times, the partner’s body (small breasts, being too thin or too fat) may be the issue, courtesy the hoard of hourglass figures that one sees all around on billboards and magazines. And when self-image doesn’t meet up to your own expectations, it could lead to loss of desire.


Many a times, other sexual habits of men can affect their desire for intercourse. Not because they have any ill effects on one’s sex life, but because over-addiction to pornography, leading to sexual activities could reduce one’s preference for regular intercourse. When stimulation modes differ in a way that’s not possible during normal intercourse, it leads to reduced desire for sex with one’s partner. TNN

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