Saturday, March 3, 2012


Let go of your thoughts about
what could be, or should be, or
Might have been.
Be here now, fully and lovingly.

Give your attention to the miracle
of what is. See the great
Value and beauty that is
right in front of you,
here and Now.

Let your thoughts arise
and then let them go. There's no
Need to wander away from
the wholeness of this moment.
Don't hurry ahead to whatever
is next. Be here now, and give
All the power of your awareness
to living the wonder and
Value of what is.

What you truly desire is not
out there somewhere, and is not
Waiting for someday to appear to you.
It is yours to Manifest and
enjoy in this moment.
There is great power and
ability in your presence.
Be here Now,
and live the treasure
that is already yours in this
Very moment.

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