Tuesday, March 13, 2012


01 FOR ACNE (Pimples)

Apply unripe garlic on the acne (pimple) affected area of face three to four times

per day. It will not only helps for curing acne, but also useful for removing its scar i.e. spots. At times

comparatively elder persons also suffers from acne, this remedy is particularly useful for such elder ones.

Besides this external remedy, intake of two to four garlic clove per day is useful for purification of the blood,

which helps in keeping good skin for longer period.

02 FOR ANOREXIA (Lack of hunger)

Boil three four garlic clove in a tea cup water. Add juice of half a lime therein.

Intake of this mixture once a day is preety useful in improvement of digestion system which ultimately
increases hunger.


Garlic is a best home remedy for backache. Consume two three garlic clove in early morning. Secondlyh, boil

ten to twelve garlic clove in a cup of cooking oil (sesame oil, mustard oil or coconut oil). Apply this mixture on

back and take hot water bath after one hour. This exercise should, however, be regularly made for at least a

period of fifteen days.


Slowly and calmly chewing three four clove of unripe garlic is proven to be useful

for keeping your eyes clean and also useful in cataract.


Boil three four crushed cloves of garlic in a cup of water. Consume this mixure in

luke warm state. The medicinal attribute of garlic helps in ouster of cough from the body. It also useful for

ouster of poisinous elements from the body and elimination of viruses.


Crush three four rosted garlic clove with a little salt. Take a small piece of clean

cloth (preferrably woolen) and put above crushed mixure therein and keep it in affected ear. Besides, consume

three four unripe garlic cloves dayly for three four days.


Garlic is a good medicine for whooping cough. Intake of garlic clove two to three

times a day (5 ml to 15 ml) is proven useful for patients suffering for whooping cough.

Besides above, intake of three four unripe clove of garlic is useful for high blood

pressure. Fresh unripe garlic and garlic oil is also useful for patients suffering from intestinal worms.

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