Friday, March 30, 2012

remedies for Cockroaches


Unfortunately, the pitter-patter of little feet isn’t necessarily a good thing, when it’s a cockroach that’s invaded your home or apartment. Taking refuge in the nooks and crannies of your kitchen and bathroom, the roach is a common household pest with nearly 4,000 species scurrying across the world. Luckily, home remedies to get rid of roaches can help tame the 30 species known to infiltrate human dwellings.

Cockroaches are known as one of the most dreaded of household pests. They’ve been around for thousands of years and they don’t seem to be going away anytime soon. There are four species of cockroach officially considered ‘pests’ with the most recognized species being the American cockroach – measuring 30 millimeters long [1].

Preferring the warm environment found inside homes, the pest species of cockroach can easily adapt to their surroundings as they search for food and water. They will feed on pet and human edibles. Possessing the ability to live one month without water, and up to three months without food, the cockroach is a pretty resilient creature.

If actions are not taken to control the presence of roaches, their numbers will steadily increase. Many people call an exterminator or resort to using harmful chemicals to rid their home of roaches. Luckily, at the first sign of the pest, home remedies for roaches can help reduce numbers and discourage toxic methods of roach control. A few suggestions include:

a) Petroleum Jelly Trap:
Apply petroleum jelly around the inner rim of a jar. Insert a couple of apple, potato or banana peelings into the jar. Leave out overnight where you’ve spotted roach activity. The pests should climb into the jar, but will be unable to escape because of the petroleum. Discard the contents in a bucket of soapy water, and then flush down the toilet.

b) Baking Soda:
Many believe that a mixture consisting of equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar applied to problem areas will control roaches. Supposedly, the sugar attracts the pests while the baking soda mixes with their stomach acids to cause internal destruction.

c) Coffee Grounds:
Fill a jar halfway with water and coffee grounds. This trap uses the scent of coffee, which is pleasant to the roach, to lure and trap roaches in the jar. As the pests climb into the jar, they should fall inside and drown.

d) Cornstarch:
Create a 50/50 blend of cornstarch and plaster of Paris, which is spread into crevices where roaches appear.

e) Lemons [2]:
Effective against roaches, add the juice of four lemons (with the rinds) and ½ gallon (two liters) of water to a bucket. Using a sponge or mop, wash your floors with it. Apparently, the little pests cannot stand the smell.

f) Garlic Onion Pepper Mix:
Add one clove of garlic, one onion, and one tablespoon of cayenne pepper to one quart of water. Allow the ingredients to marinade for one hour. Add one tablespoon of liquid soap to the mixture and spray in the places that roaches frequent about your home.

g) Run a Clean Ship:
Roaches prefer to dwell in dark, dank places, especially when areas are filled with clutter. Keep your living spaces clean. Cover your garbage cans at all times and store your food in sealed containers and bags.

h) Caulk Water Pipes:
Roaches often congregate in kitchens and bathrooms, using the holes associated with water pipes as a means of travel. Caulking around all water pipes can help eliminate their routes into your living spaces.

i) Bleach Pinesol Mix:
Pour a mixture consisting of two cups of bleach, two cups of Pinesol, and one cup of hot boiling water to the areas that roaches frequent in your home. Wait around 10 minutes to clean up. It’s suggested to open windows when using this home remedy for roaches because the scent is very strong.

j) Vacuum:
Once you’ve used home remedies to get rid of roaches in your house, frequently vacuum around baseboards, kitchen drawers, and cabinets to eradicate the waste products and dead bodies of roaches. People with asthma and other respiratory problems can become affected by leftover roach waste.

k) Bleach:
Pour bleach down the drains of sinks and tubs to dissuade roaches from using drain pipes as a way to travel throughout your home.

l) Bay Leaves:
Create roach-repellant sachets by adding bay leaves to the inside of a pair of pantyhose and placing in dresser drawers, closets, and cupboards.

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