Saturday, July 23, 2011

Men & Women

Men are said to be from Mars and women from Venus. No wonder then that their reaction to a problem in hand is absolutely diverse. Women are born hoarders, while men love to move on to the next shiny, new thing that they lay their eyes on. Why do women talk about break-ups all the time? Is it because they are more emotional or just that they don’t hide their true feelings? That’s probably the reason why women still believe in giving any relation that ‘one last chance’, as opposed to a man who know exactly when to call it quits. And when they do so, they are less likely to be caught staring at the picture of their ex on their cellphone.

Attached Image: monthly_11_2008/post-55-1226311430.jpg
Women are born hoarders

Sweep it under the carpet

It’s not that guys are better at handling break-ups. But they are definitely more prone to sweeping the issue under the carpet. Rajiv Nair, a media professional feels, “No man will ever admit that he’s heartbroken. That will make him seem like a loser in front of his other buddies, who are either in a relationship or are proud to be single. Women, on the other hand, are okay with expressing their emotions. They have an image to live up to. And they can’t let people see that something can affect them a lot.”

Can’t let go...

Women who love keeping things can’t ever let go of anything. Ankita Shastri, a HR personal, says, “Have you ever seen a guy who has collected greeting cards, movie tickets, etc? Also, men have their ‘stud’ value to consider. Many women probably hope to revive their last relationship till they realise that they have fallen for someone else. While men, on the other hand, shut the doors firmly on their relationship and get ready to knock on another one. They are macho beings and have no problem moving on, or so they would like everyone to believe.”

Bonding with buddies

Men tend to have strong bonds with their male buddies, while women, on the other hand, tend to lose out on their girlfriends if they are in a relationship. That’s probably why guys get over their relationships and are ready to move on faster than women. “How many married women go out for a girl’s night out? But men continue with their bonding sessions at bowling alleys and over a few drinks even after marriage. Many women centre their lives around a relationship and when a vacuum is created they close their minds to anything new coming their way,” points Priyanka Shanbag. But things maybe changing what with women spending a lot of time at their workplace and having better means of coping up with the household work.

Move on...

That’s the term which is used to tell
a person that the past is now done
with and it’s time to look ahead. But, like most things, it’s easier said than done. Not that it’s easy for anyone to move on, but men are just a little better at putting up a pretence that nothing affects them.
It’s not that that either sex scores over the other when it comes to getting over a break-up, it’s just that they have different ways of coping up. And it’s time we understand this difference. So, while women talk about break-ups, men talk about hook-ups!

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