Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Yes, Yes You are a Hero.
You, Yes You
Don't underestimate yourself. Don't leave your gifts up on a shelf when you could spend your life giving them to others. Trust in yourself. Trust in your gifts. And give.
Let me show you how.
Craig Ballantyne
"Do not be critics, you people, I beg you. I was a critic and I wish I could take it all back because it came from a smelly and ignorant place in me, and spoke with a voice that was all rage and envy. Do not dismiss a book until you have written one, and do not dismiss a movie until you have made one, and do not dismiss a person until you have met them. It is a lot of work to be open-minded and generous and understanding and forgiving and accepting, but that is what matters. What matters is saying yes." - Dave Eggers
You Are a Hero
By Craig Ballantyne
At the end of the first day of our coaching program, I knew we had a future superstar in our presence. This woman, we'll call her "K," was smart, intelligent, and an incredibly hard and disciplined worker. She'll go far, I thought to myself.
In fact, that night after our big group dinner with the coaching members, as my business partner Bedros Keuilian and I debriefed in his suite, I said to him, "If K was a stock, I'd invest in her company." I knew she had a big idea within her and that, combined with her courageous life story, would allow her to reach millions of people.
But, as it turns out, had I "invested" in her stock then, I would have been an early investor, like those that invested in Amazon in 2001.
It would be years until that investment would turn a profit. In fact, for a little while, I might even have lost money.
Because, you see, like most people, K didn't recognize the hero inside of herself. She let self-doubt derail her and lack of confidence constrain her. She felt intimidated by her peers, even though they were no better than her. Her products, her message, and her talents were equal to any of them. But she discounted her capabilities, and thus let opportunity pass her by.
Perhaps you've felt this way before. Perhaps you still feel this way today. Perhaps you've let big breaks get away from you. Well, don't feel bad. It's not your fault. And you can overcome the obstacles in your way. Our hero of today, K did it, and you can too.
Why did K finally become a success story? Because she never gave up. She persevered through the dips, through the darkest of days - both personally and professionally - and remained steadfast to a program of self-growth.
Fast forward four years later. She's matured in both skills and attitude. It's as though someone had held a "hero mirror" to her face so that she could finally see what she was capable of.
Where there were once insurmountable obstacles, there are now numerous conquests.
Each week when she sends me her progress update, she reports a new personal best.
And each victory only makes her stronger. Each action step emboldens her resolve. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, she is powerful and strong.
Everything has changed.
She sees the hero within.
Do you?
Do you know that there's a hero residing inside of you? A hero that is powerful enough to change lives, to lead your field, to make your family proud, to support your loved ones for life and beyond?
Do you understand how easy it is to be a hero to people in need of help? All it takes, my friend, is action. You don't need any superpowers, you don't need any special degrees, and you don't need be in government or a high-paid CEO. You just need a mission, a vision and a passion for helping others.
If you're still unsure, let me show you an example of a simple, average man that stumbled upon a way to help thousands of people everyday.
Make no mistake about it, there's nothing special about this man. He's average height, average weight, average intelligence, slightly below average in appearance, and he puts his pants on two legs at a time just like everyone else. (Wait, what? That's not how you put your pants on?).
But seriously, that average man is me, your editor at Early to Rise. It's through this daily newsletter where I get a chance to help tens of thousands of readers everyday by bringing you the best content we can find from thought leaders like Mark Ford, Robert Ringer, Alex Green, Susan Fujii, Isabel De Los Rios, Leo Babauta, and Jonathan Fields.
Each day that we deliver wisdom from these experts it helps you achieve your goals and get closer to your dreams. And everyday I express gratitude for having found my way here. But this article is not about me or even my client, K.
It's about YOU.
You can be a hero. You have, as Tony Robbins has told you before, the Power Within.
So how do you get in a position to help others and be a hero to men and women that are struggling to succeed in your area of expertise?
First, it starts with your vision. You cannot create a map and action plan for your life until you know where you want to go.
I was fortunate to know early in life that I wanted to dedicate my career to helping people. At first I thought it was just in the fitness and health field, but from the first day that I read Michael Masterson's Early to Rise in 2001 I knew that I wanted to have a business exactly like his. And by acting in congruence with my vision, I was able to achieve my exact dream.
However, it takes time. To get into this position where I am lucky to be today, I had to seek coaches and mentors, connect with the right people, grow outside of my comfort zone, share my vision and my goals with positive people, and most important, take massive action and develop my skills every single working day of my career.
I did all of this and then BOOM, one day, ten years later, I woke up an overnight success in the role of my dreams.
That is the path that you must take. You must choose to be a leader in your field, whether you are an educator, a sales person, a lawyer, a doctor, a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker.
To be a leader, you must add extreme value to the world and help as many people as you can. You must have faith in your ability to do so. You must take massive action, and you must never give up on what is important to you.
At ETR, our goal is to deliver incredibly helpful content every morning. And when we do, we build goodwill with you, and grow our personal relationship and connection with you.
Just like K does in her fitness business. As she does this more and more and grows the belief in her ability, she creates more and more success stories amongst her readers that give her more and more positive feedback. As the relationship strengthens between her readers and their "hero," she gains even more confidence and takes more risks to put herself outside of her comfort zone so that she can help her clients even more.
It's a virtuous cycle.
And one that you can be involved in as well in your business or career.
But it all starts with taking action.
Will there be critics?
Of course.
But we all know, thanks to former President Roosevelt that it is not the critic that counts, instead, it is the person inside the arena taking action.
And never forget, that for every critic, there will be 99 success stories or more that consider you to be their hero.
Besides, critics are hypocrites. They only criticize in the dark anonymity of the Internet. No one will ever have the guts to confront you face-to-face. That's why they are critics and you are the hero.
So go forth and spread your word and share goodwill. Make the world a better place. Take action and build your confidence with each step.
As tough as it might seem, you'll still find that it's easier to be a hero than a zero, and far more rewarding too.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
How to Hypnotize volunterily
Hypnotizing someone who volunteers to be hypnotized
is actually a very simple process. Since the person wants
to be hypnotized to begin with, their subconscious will
be highly responsive to any suggestions you give them,
and they'll follow your directions.
There is a simple 6 step process that I used when I first
began hypnotizing clients. You can use it too by practicing
on a willing friend or family member.
The 6 Step Process
1. First of all, you want to make sure the person is relaxed.
Laying down on a bed or sitting in a chair is ideal. Make
sure you're somewhere quiet, where there's not much of a
chance that you will be disturbed.
2. For the second step, you want to tell the person that
they will be in control the entire time and they will feel
themselves becoming deeply relaxed. You could say
something such as "and as you listen to my voice,
you will feel your body becoming deeply relaxed now".
3. Once the person is relaxed, have them imagine that they're
walking down a staircase of 20 steps, and ask the person to
count in their minds from 20 down to 0 as they take each step
down. Tell the person that at the end of the staircase is a
state of deep relaxation that cannot be seen, only felt.
Let the person count their steps in their own mind, don't say it
out aloud for them. You can even give the person a couple of
minutes to do this, as it does not matter if there's a minute
or two of silence once they reach the last step.
4. Say the following to the person: "As you feel yourself in
this deeply relaxed state, you will notice that your right
hand is so relaxed, that it feels as if it has a thousand
heavy blankets on top of it. No matter how hard you try to
lift up your right hand, you won't be able to". You will
notice that the person will be unable to lift up their right
hand. Have the person do this with their left hand, and both
of their feet (this is a process known as a 'deepening technique').
5. Once this is done you may plant any suggestions you like within
the person. You could tell the person they will feel more confident,
tell them that they will feel more energy and positive, tell them that they
will exercise frequently in order to lose weight. You can plant almost
any suggestion you like within the person.
6. Once the above steps are complete, simply have the person
imagine that they're walking back up the flight of stairs again,
counting in their minds from 0 until 20. Tell them that once they
reach the top step at 20, they will open their eyes and feel wide
awake and fully alert.
Practice the above example a few times until you become
confident with it. Confidence is the key to using hypnosis
successfully, and once you acquire that confidence, the
process becomes very easy.
This is a great way to hypnotize someone voluntarily.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Are You Living With Passion? By Jack Canfield
Are You Living With Passion?
By Jack Canfield
If you want to be fulfilled, happy, content, and experience inner peace and ultimate fulfillment, it's critical that you discover your purpose. Without a purpose as the compass to guide you, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you.
I believe that each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take. They take the time to understand what they're here to do - and then they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.
For some of us, our purpose is obvious and clear. We're born with a set of talents and through persistent practice, we develop our talents into skills.
My children are prime examples. It was clear from the moment they got on the planet what they were interested in. One son wanted to draw all the time, and he is now in the art world. Another son was always tapping out rhythms on paint cans and dishes, and he's now in the music world, along with one of his brothers. My daughter is in the literary world, and my stepson is definitely in the business world. They had natural talents that were clear indicators for what they ended up ultimately being passionate about.
For some people, though, it's not as easy to identify a passion.
Alternatively, you may enjoy what you do, but on deeper exploration, discover that you're passionate about something altogether different than what you do. There are two processes that I've found to be extremely helpful in discovering - and living - your passion.
The Life Purpose Exercise
The Success Principles describes a simple process that can help you identify your passion in as little as 10 minutes.
The process involves answering three questions:
"What are two qualities I most love expressing in life?" For me, it would be love and joy.
"What are two ways I most love expressing those qualities?" For me, it's inspiring people with stories like the Chicken Soup books and empowering people through my live trainings, home study courses, books, DVDs and teleseminars.
"What would the world look like if it were perfect right now, according to me?" For me, it would be that everyone was living their highest vision in the context of love and joy.
Once you have answers to all three questions, you can combine them into a single statement. My life purpose is to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in the context of love and joy, and for the highest good of all concerned.
To identify ways that you can live your passion, ask yourself this additional question: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how actively am I living this passion, or how actively am I living this purpose?"
If your answer is anything less than a 10, ask yourself, "What would I have to do to make it a 10?" The answers that you come up with are the action steps you need to take so that you can begin living your passions on a day-to-day level.
The Passion Test
Developed by Chris and Janet Attwood, the passion test is a simple, yet elegant, process. You start by filling in the blank 15 times for the following statement: "When my life is ideal, I am ___."
The word(s) you choose to fill in the blank must be a verb.
When Janet took me through the process, my statements looked like this:
My life is ideal when I'm being of service to massive numbers of people.
My life is ideal when I'm helping people with their vision.
My life is ideal when I'm speaking to large groups.
My life is ideal when I'm being part of a spiritual leaders network.
My life is ideal when I'm creating a core group of ongoing trainers who feel identified with my organization.
Once you've created 15 statements, you identify the top 5 choices.
To do this, you compare statements #1 and #2 to identify which is most important. Take the winner of that comparison and decide whether it's more or less important than statement #3. Then take the winner of that comparison, and decide whether it's more or less important than statement #4, and so on until you've identified the passion that is most meaningful to you. Repeat the process with the remaining 14 statements to identify your second choice. Then repeat the process until you've pinpointed your top 5 passions.
Next, create markers for each of your top five passions, so that you can look at your life and easily tell whether you are living that passion. For me, a marker would be "When I'm helping people live their vision I'm giving at least 20 workshops a year for at least 10,000 people total, and at each event, people are coming up afterwards and saying, 'You've really empowered me to live my vision.'"
One you know what your passions are and how your life will look when you are living them, you can create action plans to turn your dreams into reality.
To learn more about this process, I highly recommend the Attwoods' book, "The Passion Test".
Once you identify your passion, you don't need to overhaul your life completely and all at once. Instead, follow Success Principles #24 and "Lean into it." Start living your passion, and stay in tune to the feedback you're receiving and how you're feeling. Adjust how you're living your passion, until you feel that you're living in bliss.
Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life By Leo Babauta
8 Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life
By Leo Babauta
It's amazing how one simple, easy, positive action can change so much in a person's life.
One of the things that has had the biggest effect on my life is the realization of the power of gratitude. Simply giving thanks.
It has affected everything. It has made me a more positive person. A more productive person. A better achiever. A better husband and father and son and brother (at least, I like to think so). A happier person. I'm not perfect, but gratitude has made me better.
Can it change your life as well? I can guarantee it. You might not get the exact same benefits as I have, but there's no doubt in my mind that the simple act of gratitude on a regular basis will change anyone's life, positively and immediately. How many other changes can claim to be that quick, that easy, and that profound?
Let's take a look at some of the ways you can incorporate gratitude into your life, and how it will change your life. These are just some examples, based on my experience and the experiences of others I've talked with, and not all will apply to your life. But pick and choose the ones you think will work for you.
1. Have a morning gratitude session. Take one minute in the morning (make it a daily ritual) to think of the people who have done something nice for you, to think of all the things in your life you're grateful for. You won't get to everything in one minute, but it's enough. And it will instantly make your day better, and help you start your day off right. Can you think of a better use of one minute?
2. When you're having a hard day ... make a gratitude list. We all have those bad days sometimes. We are stressed out from work. We get yelled at by someone. We lose a loved one. We hurt a loved one. We lose a contract or do poorly on a project. One of the things that can make a bad day much better is making a list of all the things you're thankful for. There are always things to be thankful for -- loved ones, health, having a job, having a roof over your head and clothes on your back, life itself.
3. Instead of getting mad at someone, show gratitude. That's a major switching of attitudes -- actually a complete flip. And so this isn't always easy to do. But I can promise you that it's a great thing to do. If you get mad at your co-worker, for example, because of something he or she did ... bite your tongue and don't react in anger. Instead, take some deep breaths, calm down, and try to think of reasons you're grateful for that person. Has that person done anything nice for you? Has that person ever done a good job? Find something, anything, even if it's difficult. Focus on those things that make you grateful. It will slowly change your mood. And if you get in a good enough mood, show your gratitude to that person. It will improve your mood, your relationship, and help make things better. After showing gratitude, you can ask for a favor -- can he please refrain from shredding your important documents in the future? And in the context of your gratitude, such a favor isn't such a hard thing for the co-worker to grant.
4. Instead of criticizing your significant other, show gratitude. This is basically the same as the above tactic, but I wanted to point out how gratitude can transform a marriage or relationship. If you constantly criticize your spouse, your marriage will slowly deteriorate -- I promise you. It's important to be able to talk out problems, but no one likes to be criticized all the time. Instead, when you find yourself feeling the urge to criticize, stop and take a deep breath. Calm down, and think about all the reasons you're grateful for your spouse. Then share that gratitude, as soon as possible. Your relationship will become stronger. Your spouse will learn from your example -- especially if you do this all the time. Your love will grow, and all will be right in the world.
5. Instead of complaining about your kids, be grateful for them. Many parents (myself included) get frustrated with their children. They are too slow to do things, they have a bad attitude, they can't clean up after themselves, and they pick their nose too much. Unfortunately, sometimes parents will communicate that frustration to their children too often, and the kids will begin to feel bad about themselves. Many parents have done this, and while it's not perfect, it's a part of parenthood. But there's a better way: follow the method above of calming down when you're frustrated, and thinking of reasons you're grateful to your child. Share these reasons with your child. And then take the opportunity to teach them, instead of criticizing them.
6. When you face a major challenge, be grateful for it. Many people will see something difficult as a bad thing. If something goes wrong, it's a reason to complain, it's a time of self-pity. That won't get you anywhere. Instead, learn to be grateful for the challenge -- it's an opportunity to grow, to learn, to get better at something. This will transform you from a complainer into a positive person who only continues to improve. People will like you better and you'll improve your career. Not too shabby.
7. When you suffer a tragedy, be grateful for the life you still have. I've recently lost an aunt, and my children recently lost a grandmother. These tragedies can be crippling if you let them overcome you. And while I'm not saying you shouldn't grieve -- of course you should -- you can also take away something even greater from these tragedies: gratitude for the life you still have. Appreciation for the fleeting beauty of life itself. Love for the people who are still in your life. Take this opportunity to show appreciation to these people, and to enjoy life while you can.
8. Instead of looking at what you don't have, look at what you do have. Have you ever looked around you and bemoaned how little you have? How the place you live isn't your dream house, or the car you drive isn't as nice as you'd like, or your peers have cooler gadgets or better jobs? If so, that's an opportunity to be grateful for what you already have. It's easy to forget that there are billions of people worse off than you -- who don't have much in the way of shelter or clothes, who don't own a car and never will, who don't own a gadget or even know what one is, who don't have a job at all or only have very menial, miserable jobs in sweatshop conditions. Compare your life to these people's lives, and be grateful for the life you have. And realize that it's already more than enough, that happiness is not a destination -- it's already here.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Making way for success
Do you live in a state of mental and physical clutter? Do you have a bunch of unfinished business lurking around every corner?
Incomplete projects, unfinished business, and piles of cluttered messes can weigh you down and take away from the energy you have to move forward toward your goals.
When you don't complete tasks, you can't be fully prepared to move into the present, let alone your new future.
When your brain is keeping track of all the unfinished business you still have at hand, you simply can't be effective in embracing new tasks that are in line with your vision.
Old "incompletes" can show up in your life in lots of different ways... like not having clarity, procrastination, emotional energy blocks and even illness. Blocked energy is wasted, and a build up of that energy can really leave you stymied.
Throw-out all the clutter and FEEL how much easier it is to think!
Make a list of areas in your life (both personal and professional) where you have uncompleted tasks and messes, then develop a plan to deal with them once and for all. Fix and organize the things that annoy you.
Take your final steps in bringing closure to outstanding projects.
Make that difficult phone call. Delegate time-wasting tasks that you've let build up.
Some incompletions come from simply not having adequate systems, knowledge, or expertise for handling these tasks. Others pile up because of bad work habits.
Get into completion consciousness by continually asking yourself...What does it take to actually get this task completed?
Only then can you begin to consciously take that next step of filing completed documents, mailing in the forms required, or reporting back to your boss that the project has been completed.
The truth is that 20 things completed have more power than 50 things that are half-way finished.
Finishing writing a book, for instance, that can go out and influence the world is better than 13 books you're in the process of writing.
When you free yourself from the mental burden of incompletes and messes, you'll be AMAZED at how quickly the things you do want in life arrive.
Another area where you'll find incompletes in your life is in your emotions. Are you holding on to old hurts, resentments, and pain?
Just like the physical clutter and incompletes, your energy is being drained by holding on to and reliving past pain and anger.
Remember, you'll attract whatever feelings you're experiencing.
So, if you're stuck in vengeful thinking, you can't possibly be directing energy toward a positive future. You need to let go of the past in order to embrace the future. Letting go involves forgiveness and moving on.
By forgiving you aren't releasing the other person from their transgression as much as you're freeing yourself from their transgression. You don't have to condone their behavior, trust them, or even maintain a relationship with them. However, you DO have to free yourself from the anger, from the pain, and from the resentment once and for all.
When learning to forgive, make sure to complete the cycle.
Acknowledge your anger, your pain, and your fear. But also own up to any part you've played in allowing it to happen or continue.
Make sure to express whatever it was that you wanted from that person, and then see the whole event from the others point of view. Allow yourself to wonder what that person was going through and what kind of needs he/she was trying to fulfill at the time.
Finally, let go and move on. Every time you go through this process you're learning how to avoid letting it happen again.
The 5 Principles of a Profound Workday
The 5 Principles of a Profound Workday
By Leo Babauta
Let us toss out all we know for a moment.
Toss notions of productivity, time management, efficiency, and the bottom line.
Empty our workdays of all we've packed them with, and sit still with an empty room.
What should we put in this room? Do we want to spend our limited space on busy-ness, on making money, on quick transactions and calculated meetings?
What if we put into it only that which matters? What if we left everything else out?
We would be left with a workday that was poetry, profoundly beautiful.
The Profound Workday
In my life I have deliberately cultivated a workday that is flexible, simplified, slow, mindful, creative.
The exact opposite of my previous life: a hurried, anxious, complicated, dull workday.
What I've curated is not difficult, but it is the perfect environment for creating work that is profoundly different from my previous accomplishments.
I've created this flow using some key principles. You might not be able to implement all of them right away, but it's my hope that you'll find the principles useful.
1. Empty: In Silence and Solitude.
When your schedule is full, you have no room for change. When your day is full of noise, you have no space to think.
Empty your day. When you have an empty space, you can fill it with anything. Only with this emptiness can you create something truly different.
Clear your schedule. Find space for silence and solitude. With this space you'll be free, to hear your thoughts, to see the truth, to create beauty.
2. Slow and Mindful.
Rushing paradoxically leaves us with less time -- the speed means we don't pay attention, and so the day disappears rapidly and leaves us before we notice.
Slow down, and pay attention. You'll be able to focus on your creative tasks more, and though you'll do less, you'll accomplish things that are more profound.
Be mindful of every activity, small or large. Enjoy every motion.
When you are done with a task, wash your bowl. Then move to the next.
3. Profoundly Creative.
Don't use the gift of your day for mindless repetitive tasks. Don't end the day with nothing to show for your work.
Start each day by creating. Make the space at the beginning of your day to create, before you get lost in emails and online networking and reading.
Create something amazing. Delight your audience. Leave them amazed, wanting to do your marketing for you. Make a difference.
4. Simplified.
The principles for a profound workday might seem impractical to most people, because there just isn't the time or space to implement them. The only way to create this type of workday is to simplify.
It's the key to everything else. Subtract. Pare everything down to its essence.
What's on your desk right now? What are the three items that actually need to be there? Remove everything else.
What's on your schedule for today? What are the three tasks that would really make a difference in your life? Eliminate everything else that you possibly can.
What do you do every day? How many of those things can be eventually pared down?
How much do you do online? Could you do without it?
Simplify, and you'll be able to find emptiness, solitude, silence, slowness, mindfulness.
5. Flexible and Natural.
This type of workday might start to sound rigid, but in truth when you create space you also allow yourself the flexibility to deal in the moment with any change.
The natural flow of things is change, and if we are rigid we aren't able to deal with changes. We become frustrated, anxious, angry, flustered.
If instead we have no expectations of what will happen each day, and deal with changes as they come, we let go of that frustration and anxiety.
Be open to whatever happens. Be flexible. Deal with change as it happens, and you'll find true profoundness doesn't come from within us, or from external sources, but in the space between the two.
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Friday, October 26, 2012
The way you live has a profound influence on the choices you make.
I learned the hard way that it's easy to hide weaknesses, and they usually exist in areas you're overlooking.
I've always been a disciplined person, and I've never had difficulty sticking to a training plan, putting in long hours to meet writing deadlines, or following a reading schedule to broaden my mind.
But it was only after a friend passed me an Anthony Robbins book that I sat up and realized I'd completely neglected several other key areas of my life.
The Robbins book was useful to me because it talked about breaking your life down into several key areas, assessing where you're at, and setting goals for each.
Robbins broke his goals down into:
Living environment
I don't think you need to make it quite that exhaustive, but you do have to address at least these key areas: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social (which includes your core relationships), and Financial (which includes your source of income). In my opinion, Spiritual is optional. If you have religious or spiritual beliefs, you should include them in your assessment. If you're an atheist, those aspects of your life which I call Personal Philosophy could be addressed individually or could fit in with the other aspects.
These categories were incredibly helpful because they made me realize something I'd been missing. I was doing great in the Physical, Mental, and Emotional areas, but I was absolutely hopeless when it came to Financial.
My lack of attention to finance alerted me to the fact that I'd never invested the time and energy to create an income stream capable of financing the life I wanted to live. All the training, reading and writing in the world wasn't enough to get me to my goals, because I was unable to fund the experiences I needed.
My lifestyle required some form of financial independence, which to me means that my income is not dependent on anyone else--it is generated by me alone. And so I formed a portable online business. But I probably wouldn't have devoted any time to it if my self-assessment hadn't revealed this was the thing that was holding me back.
Sitting down and closely examining ALL areas of your life will ensure that you never focus solely on your strengths while paying no attention to areas of imbalance. It's fine to work only on your strengths for a while, because they're your most "marketable" asset. But it isn't sustainable to ONLY work on those things. What goes up must come down, and what is imbalanced will eventually have to be balanced.
Do this now. Take a large piece of paper and divide it into three columns. In the left hand column, I want you to list the lifestyle categories we just discussed. Leave some room in between each one so you have plenty of space to write.
In the middle column, write where you find yourself right now in each category. Be brutally honest.
In the right hand column, write how you would like your life to look in five years, in each of the categories you listed. It's fine if this right hand column is a little bit vague. I just want you to start forming images in your mind about where you might want to be, and to see those images in relation to your current position.
So how are you doing on each of the categories I proposed? And when was the last time you really sat down and took stock?
You'd be surprised what a difference this simple exercise can make.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
1.Strike a balance between work and play, between seriousness and laughter.
2.Stick with the truth even if it makes you look or feel badly. Falsehoods are like wandering ghosts.
3.Forgive your enemies as part of the price you pay for the privilege of being forgiven.
4.Spend time outside. Walk. Get lots of air and sunshine and occasionally some rain or snow in your face. Get some dirt on your hands.
5.Talk over your troubles, mistakes, and dreams with someone you trust.
6.Don't underestimate the ability of God to straighten out a situation-even when you can't. Be patient.
7.Discriminate among your fears. Learn to tell which ones are useful, which ones destructive.
8.When you can't sleep, say, "Aha! Here's a chance for a little privacy and creative thinking. Or prayer.”
9.Fall in love with life, with children, older people, the theater, music, books, cities, hills, the sea—everything except money.
Your love has lifted me
outside of myself
and helped me see
beyond my normal range
of vision.
Your love has helped me
get past many
personal barriers.
You took my hand,
gave me a smile,
and helped me realize
my own worth.
Your love has made the
daily frustrations and
petty demands of life
seem less important,
and the small daily
blessings so much more
Your love has made me aim
higher for my dreams,
because it has shown me
that great things
are possible.
I cherish your love.....
A KIND OF FRIEND I WISH TO BE:I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me; I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day As you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way. I'd like to do the big things and the splendid things for you, To brush the gray from out your skies and leave them only blue; I'd like to say the kindly things that I so oft have heard, And feel that I could rouse your soul the way that mine you've stirred. I'd like to give you back the joy that you have given me, Yet that were wishing you a need I hope will never be; I'd like to make you feel as rich as I, who travel on Undaunted in the darkest hours with you to lean upon. I'm wishing at this time that I could but repay A portion of the gladness that you've strewn along my way; And could I have one wish this year, this only would it be: I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me.
RULES OF FRIENDSHIP:As with all friends Sometimes we need to talk. Sometimes though, we need to listen. Sometimes our dearest friends, Are not asking for our opinions. Sometimes they need to talk And don't want us to interrupt; They just need us to listen. Sometimes our friends come to a place, Where they only need their It's not that they are brooding, But need some time alone. So, as a friend, we should lend A shoulder to cry on - to depend, Or honor their need to be alone. Rules of friendship are not set in stone.
NET FRIENDS:Friend does not always mean the same thing online as it does offline. Traditionally a friend is someone you can confide in with your deepest secrets, someone you can do things with and someone who never judges you but instead is always there to help, no matter what. On the Internet the word "friend" has different meanings. A friend can be someone you love and confide in, but not usually. A social networking friend is someone you have decided to allow to connect to your friends list on your social networking site. It had nothing at all to do with friendship,like some want it to be. nothing! BY Friendship I mean literally a relationship as friends only. Friendship should have trust, thoughtfulness, and one should care for ones friend, try and understand what he/she is saying. Some time we just get a feeling that there is something wrong with one of the friends, so when that happens then just sms/ message and see the result.
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A FRIEND:A Friend..... Is someone that everyone needs A friend Is that special one A friend Is someone you tell EVERYTHING A friend Is someone you never lie to A friend Can be a boy or a girl A friend Is someone that is always their A friend Will always listen to you A friend Always has input to give A friend Will never leave you in the dust A friend Will help you through the thick and the thin A friend Will always stand by your side A friend Will never let you down A friend Is someone everyone needs. Are we friends* *or are we not?* *You told me once* *But I forgot* *Tell me now* *and tell me true* *so can I say* *I'm here for you* *Of all the friends I've ever met* *Your the one I won't forget* *And if I die* *before you do* *I'll go to heaven* *And wait for you* *I'll give the angels* * back their wings* *And risk the loss* *Of everything* *Just to prove* *My friendship is true* *To have a friend just like you*
WHAT IS TRUE LOVE:True love is when u shed a tear and still want him. It is when he ignores u and u still want him. It is when he loves another and still smile and say I'm happy for you. For me love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you. A guy who will turn to his friends when you walk into a room and says, "that's her". A guy who is present....he doesn't disappear from your heart, your head or your life.
HER GUARDIAN ANGEL:She is lucky as she has found a true friend in her tagged angel. She will never let that angel ever get hurt, or ever leave that angel or even let that angel leave her. coz both of them need each other to help them thru what each of them are going through. It was His (God's) design that they should meet and if they ever go their separate ways both will be destroyed. So for it not to be destroyed we have to help each other to balance our selves.
TRUE FRIENDS:A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall A true friend is one that won't lie A true friend is there when you call A true friend is there when you want to die A true friend knows just what to say A true friend won't care what other people think A true friend will help you find your way A true friend will make sure you don't sink A true friend will help you choose your path A true friend will know when something is wrong A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath A true friend makes you feel like you belong A true friend
LOVE NEVER ENDS:Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never ends~~
WHAT IS LOVE:Love is a funny thing. You expect it to be easy. You expect it to be a world of roses and laughs and perfect moments that you find only in movies. You expect her to always say the right thing, and always know exactly how you feel, or exactly how to react to it. You expect her to calm you down when you're yelling or to chase you when you run away. You expect so much that you feel entirely, and utterly defeated when something doesn't exactly match up with all your plans. But that's the thing. Love isn't a plan. It doesn't have a certain beginning and it certainly has no end or visible finish line to those deeply in it.Love happens; it is so incredibly messy. People around you can't comprehend why you do the things you do, or why you fight so hard for something that seems to cause you so much pain, because simply, they can't see. They can't see the invisible ring of insanity that surrounds you when you're in love. It's inconvenient and painful and devastating at times, but we can't live without it. What you don't learn is how hard love is. How much work it takes. How much of ourselves we have to put into it. How it isn't worth it until we are complete and utter idiots about it.
WHAT IS A FRIEND:Friend is that what has no face, it has feeling.. Friend is that what has no race, it has heart.. Friend is that what has no prejudice and, yes, spread out hands.. Friend is that what has not hour so every hour is an hour... Friend has no smile, it has expression... Friend has no beauty, it has perfection... Friend is not a visit, so it is always welcome... Friend is that what has no words, it has the embrace... Friend does not point to his defects, it shows his qualities up...
Thursday, July 12, 2012
How to talk to girls
Call him a child prodigy, but nine-year-old Alec Greven from Colorado is certainly an artist in his own right – he has authored America’s latest self-help book that is now set to become a major Hollywood film How To Talk To Girls. At eight years of age, Alec and his fellow pupils at the Soaring Hawk Elementary School in Castle Rock were asked to write an essay about something they had observed about ordinary life.
And it was then that he chose to explore the perils of boys trying to win the attention of girls in the playground, and offered some tips for success. “Boys have a lot of trouble with crushes. I wanted to help the boys with crushes. But I also wanted to say there is a girl for every boy and don’t give up and don’t think girls are gross. They are just girls,” a website quoted him as saying in an interview.
And this ‘pint-sized pickup artist’, as he’s popularly called gave some extraordinary nuggets of wisdom, that include combing your hair, cutting down on sugar (to avoid being too hyper), and knowing that while 73 per cent of girls ditch boys, 98 per cent of pretty girls do it. The pretty ones are “like cars that need a lot of oil”.
However, it was his teachers who played a major role behind his success – they were so tickled by the essay that they suggested Alec turn it into a stapled pamphlet, which he could sell at the school’s book fair. And soon, the media had got the inkling of the rage the pamphlet had become, and comedian and talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres invited the boy genius on her show.
From there Geven set off to a course towards stardom which culminated first in his essay being released as a hardback book. And it was announced this week that a production house had signed the six-figure movie deal.
And now, men of all ages can take something from his pages. Some of the facts in the book include:
Never seem too keen. “Girls don’t like desperate boys,” he writes.
Highlight your best side: “You can also show off a skill, like playing soccer or anything else you’re good at.”
If you are spurned, don’t mope: “Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you,” our young romance guru notes. “Life is hard, move on! Or sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I had a crush on a girl in preschool. Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind.”
Reduce stress
Thursday, May 31, 2012
1. First Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru
2. First Deputy Prime Minister of India Sardar Vallabhai Patel
3. First President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad
4. First Vice-President of India Dr S.Radhakrishnan
5. First Dalit Lok Sabha Speaker G M C Balayogi
6. First Governor-General of Independent India Lord Mountbatten
7. First Indian Governor-General of India C.Rajagopalachari
8. First Sikh Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh
9. First Sikh Chief of Indian Army J. J. Singh
10. First Chief Election Commissioner of India Sukumar Sen
11. First Dalit Chief Justice of India K. G. Balakrishnan
12. First Indian to be elected a member of British Parliament Dadabhoi Naoroji
13. First Foreign Secretary of Free India K.P.S.Menon
14. First Woman President of India Pratibha Patil
15. First Indian woman President of Indian National Congress Sarojini Naidu
16. First Indian woman to become Miss Universe Sushmita Sen
17. First Indian woman to become Miss World Reita Faria
18. First Indian woman to reach the final of an Olympic event P.T.Usha
19. First Miss Universe of the new millennium Lara Dutta
20. First woman Chief Minister of an Indian state Sucheta Kriplanis
21. First woman Governor of an Indian state Sarojini Naidu
22. First woman IPS Officer of India Kiran Bedi
23. First woman Judge of the Supreme Court of India Justice M. Fatima Beevi
24. First woman Minister of an Indian state Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
25. First woman President of Indian National Congress Annie Besant
26. First woman Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi
27. First Five-Year Plan Started in 1951
28. First General Elections in India Held in 1952
29. First Satellite of India Aryabhatta
Like a thief, unexpectedly you robbed me,
No more coldness within my heart..........♥
You changed it from dirty stone,
Into a beautiful piece of art..................♥
... To passion I had no vision,
But you kissed my eyes and let me see............♥
Another part of my rigid being,
You so graciously set free...........♥
Emotions which I found foreign,
Seem to be a second language today......
You taught me how to speak them,
Within my heart they'll stay............♥
Like a thief, unexpectedly you robbed me,
Stole my heart without a peep.........♥
I thank you for being so silent,
My heart you shall keep....................♥
Five finger prayer
Five Finger Prayer
This is beautiful - and it is surely worth making the 5 finger prayer a part of our lives.
1. The thumb
is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a 'sweet duty.'
2. The index finger
is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and priests. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.
3. The third finger
is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance .
4. The fourth finger
is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.
5. The little finger
The smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bhagvad Geeta says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.
Friday, April 20, 2012
~ The Price Of Love ~
She soared so high and free,
all pure and lovely as could be.
She knew no worry, stress or pain.
No one could imprison her by force or chain.
But as it must be, a conqueror came.
So handsome and bold, and lit the flame,
between these free spirited souls.
Their love was beautiful and all aglow.
In time their passionate thirst was quenched
and the flame of love was flickering low ...
In the cold darkness of reality it began to show
Their love had taken their freedom and turned them to foes.
When they could stand it no longer,
they both returned to find their lost freedom
and search for their identity they felt they had lost.
But each day that passed their need for each other grew stronger.
Now they're no longer unencumbered and free...
this is the price of love, you see.
Whether together or apart
the one you love has imprisoned your heart.
all pure and lovely as could be.
She knew no worry, stress or pain.
No one could imprison her by force or chain.
But as it must be, a conqueror came.
So handsome and bold, and lit the flame,
between these free spirited souls.
Their love was beautiful and all aglow.
In time their passionate thirst was quenched
and the flame of love was flickering low ...
In the cold darkness of reality it began to show
Their love had taken their freedom and turned them to foes.
When they could stand it no longer,
they both returned to find their lost freedom
and search for their identity they felt they had lost.
But each day that passed their need for each other grew stronger.
Now they're no longer unencumbered and free...
this is the price of love, you see.
Whether together or apart
the one you love has imprisoned your heart.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
A woman arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to
greet her, she peeked through the gates and saw a beautiful banquet table.
Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had loved and
who had died before her. They saw her and began calling greetings to her,
"Hello. How are you! We've been waiting for you! Good to see you."
When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him,
"This is such a wonderful place! How do I get in?"
"You have to spell a word," Saint Peter told her.
"Which word?" the woman asked.
The woman correctly spelled "Love" and Saint Peter welcomed her into Heaven.
About a year later, Saint Peter came to the woman
and asked her to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day.
While the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived.
"I'm surprised to see you," the woman said. "How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been doing pretty well since you died," her husband told her. "I
married the beautiful young nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And
then I won the multi-state lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in
and bought a huge mansion. And my wife and I traveled all around the world. We
were on vacation in Cancun and I went water skiing today. I fell and hit my
head, and here I am. What a bummer! How do I get in?"
"You have to spell a word," the woman told him.
"Which word?" her husband asked.
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", she replied.
Moral of the story: Never make a woman angry . . . there will be Hell to pay!
greet her, she peeked through the gates and saw a beautiful banquet table.
Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had loved and
who had died before her. They saw her and began calling greetings to her,
"Hello. How are you! We've been waiting for you! Good to see you."
When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him,
"This is such a wonderful place! How do I get in?"
"You have to spell a word," Saint Peter told her.
"Which word?" the woman asked.
The woman correctly spelled "Love" and Saint Peter welcomed her into Heaven.
About a year later, Saint Peter came to the woman
and asked her to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day.
While the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived.
"I'm surprised to see you," the woman said. "How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been doing pretty well since you died," her husband told her. "I
married the beautiful young nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And
then I won the multi-state lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in
and bought a huge mansion. And my wife and I traveled all around the world. We
were on vacation in Cancun and I went water skiing today. I fell and hit my
head, and here I am. What a bummer! How do I get in?"
"You have to spell a word," the woman told him.
"Which word?" her husband asked.
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", she replied.
Moral of the story: Never make a woman angry . . . there will be Hell to pay!
1 Lactation
2 Breast milk
3 Benefits for the infant
3.1 Reduced risk of Breast Cancer
3.2 Less Atopy
3.3 Less Celiac disease
3.4 Less Diabetes mellitus
3.5 Less Diarrhea
3.6 Greater immune health
3.7 Higher Intelligence
3.8 Less necrotizing enterocolitis
3.9 Superior nutrition
3.10 Less obesity
3.11 Fewer middle ear infections
3.12 Fewer respiratory infections
3.13 Possible protection from sudden infant death syndrome
3.14 Fewer urinary tract infections
4 Benefits for mothers
4.1 Breast cancer
4.2 Arthritis
4.3 Bonding
4.4 Hormone release
4.5 Weight loss
5 Organisational endorsements
5.1 World Health Organization
5.2 American Academy of Pediatrics
6 Breastfeeding difficulties
7 Infant weight gain
8 Methods and considerations
8.1 Early breastfeeding
8.2 Time and place for breastfeeding
8.3 Latching on, feeding and positioning
8.4 Exclusive breastfeeding
8.5 Expressing breast milk
8.6 Mixed feeding
8.7 Tandem breastfeeding
8.8 Extended breastfeeding
8.9 Shared breastfeeding
8.10 Weaning
9 History of breastfeeding
10 Sociological factors with breastfeeding
11 Economic factors of breastfeeding
The production, secretion and ejection of milk is called lactation. It is one of the defining features of being a mammal.
Breast milk
Not all the properties of breast milk are understood, but its nutrient content is relatively stable. Breast milk is made from the nutrients in the mother's bloodstream and bodily stores. Some studies estimate that a woman who breastfeeds her infant exclusively uses 400 - 600 extra calories a day in producing milk.[10] The composition of breast milk depends on how long the baby nurses.
"Research shows that the milk and energy content of breastmilk actually decreases after the first year.[8] Breastmilk adapts to a toddler's developing system, providing exactly the right amount of nutrition at exactly the right time.[9] In fact, research shows that between the ages of 12 and 24 months, 448 milliliters of a mother's milk provide these percentages of the following minimum daily requirements:
Energy 29% Folate 76% Protein 43% Vitamin B12 94% Calcium 36% Vitamin C 60%10 Vitamin A 75% "[4]
Benefits for the infant
An African woman with her child in Kabala in 1960s.During breastfeeding nutrients and antibodies pass to the baby[11] and the maternal bond can also be strengthened.[12] Research has demonstrated a variety of benefits to breastfeeding an infant. [13] These include:
Reduced risk of Breast Cancer
A study at the University of Wisconsin found that women who were breast fed in infancy may have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who were not breast fed. [14]
Less Atopy
In children who are at risk for atopy (defined as at least one parent or sibling having atopy), atopic syndrome can be prevented or delayed through exclusive breastfeeding for four months, though these benefits may not be present after four months of age. [15] However, the key factor may be the age at which non-breastmilk is introduced rather than duration of breastfeeding.[16] Atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, can be reduced through exclusive breastfeeding beyond 12 weeks in individuals with a family history of atopy, but when breastfeeding beyond 12 weeks is combined with other foods incidents of eczema rise irrespective of family history.[17]
Less Celiac disease
A review of the association between breastfeeding and celiac disease (CD) concluded that breast feeding while introducing gluten to the diet reduced the risk of CD. The study was unable to determine if breastfeeding merely delayed symptoms or offerred life-long protection.[18]
Less Diabetes mellitus
Infants exclusively breastfed have less chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 1 than peers with a shorter duration of breastfeeding and an earlier exposure to cow milk and solid foods.[19] Breastfeeding also appears to protect against diabetes mellitus type 2,[20][21] at least in part due to its effects on the child's weight.[21]
Less Diarrhea
Breastfeeding protects infants against diarrhea as compared to formula-fed peers;[22] compared to formula-fed peers, death rates due to diarrhea in breastfed infants are lower irrespective of the development level of the country.[7]
Greater immune health
Breast milk include several anti-infective factors such as bile salt stimulated lipase (protecting against amoebic infections), lactoferrin (which binds to iron and inhibits the growth of intestinal bacteria)[23][24] and immunoglobulin A protecting against microorganisms.[25]
Despite also being a factor in the transmission of HIV from mother to child, some constituents in Breast milk may be protective of infection. In particular, high levels of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids in breastmilk (including eicosadienoic, arachidonic and gamma-Linolenic acids) are associated with a reduced risk of child infection when nursed by HIV-positive mothers. Arachidonic acid and gamma-linolenic acid may also reduce viral shedding of the HIV virus in Breast milk.[26]
Breastfeeding does not appear to offer protection against allergies.[27]
Higher Intelligence
Babies with a specific variant of the FADS2 gene (approximately 90% of all babies) demonstrate an IQ an average of 7 points higher if breastfed.[28]
Less necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NC), found mainly in premature births, is six to ten times more common in infants fed formula exclusively, and three times more common in infants fed a mixture of breast milk and formula, as compared to exclusive breastfeeding. In infants born at more than 30 weeks, NC was twenty times more common in infants fed exclusively on formula.[29]
Superior nutrition
Breast milk contains the ideal ratio of the amino acids cystine, methionine, and taurine to support development of the central and peripheral nervous system. Children aged seven and eight years old who were of low birthweight who were breastfed for more than eight months demonstrated significantly higher intelligence quotient scores than comparable children breastfed for less time, suggesting breastfeeding offers long-term cognitive benefits in some populations.[30]
The quality of a mother's breast milk may be compromised by stress, bad food habits, chronic illnesses,smoking, and drinking.[31] If the mother is heavily subjected to any of above factors, additional resources in particular for protein must be found. A ration must contain a heavy percentage of protein. Protein is the building block for nerves and bones. To make brain, bone and tissue, the baby must be given protein. And from two days old to at least three years. That makes strong, pretty, alert babies that sleep well and do well.[32])
Less obesity
Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of extreme obesity in children aged 39 to 42 months.[33] The protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity is consistent, though small, across many studies, and appears to increase with the duration of breastfeeding.[34]
Fewer middle ear infections
Increased duration of certain types of middle ear infections (otitis media with effusion, OME) in the first two years of life is associated with a shorter period of breastfeeding, in addition to feeding while lying down and maternal cigarette smoking.[35] A reduced proportion and duration of any otitis media infection was associated with breastfeeding rather than formula feeding for the first twelve months of life.[22]
Fewer respiratory infections
Breastfeeding appears to reduce symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in premature infants up to seven months after release from hospital.[36]
Possible protection from sudden infant death syndrome
Breastfed babies have improved arousal from sleep, which may reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.[37]
Fewer urinary tract infections
Breastfeeding reduced the risk of acquiring urinary tract infections in infants up to seven months post-partum. The protection was strongest immediately after birth, and was ineffective past seven months[38]
Benefits for mothers
Zanzibari woman breast feedingBreastfeeding is a cost effective way of feeding an infant, and provides the best nourishment for a child at a small nutrient cost to the mother. Frequent and exclusive breastfeeding can delay the return of fertility through lactational amenorrhea, though breastfeeding is at best an imperfect means of birth control. During breastfeeding beneficial hormones are released into the mother's body.[11] and the maternal bond can be strengthened.[12] Breastfeeding is possible throughout pregnancy, but generally milk production will be reduced at some point.[39]
Breast cancer
Breastfeeding mothers have less risk of endometrial,[40][41] breast and ovarian cancer,[9][12] and osteoporosis.[9][12] Mothers who breastfeed longer than eight months also benefit from bone re-mineralisation[42] and breastfeeding diabetic mothers require less insulin.[43] Breastfeeding helps stabilize maternal endometriosis,[9] reduces the risk of post-partum bleeding[44] and benefits the insulin levels for mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome.[45]
Some breastfeeding women have pain from candidiasisor staphylococcus infections of the nipple[46] though these can be managed with medical attention with little concern for mother and child.
Women who breast feed for longer have a smaller chance of getting rheumatoid arthritis, suggests a Malmo University study published online ahead of print in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (See Women Who Breast Feed for More than a Year Halve Their Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis). The study also found that taking oral contraceptives, which are suspected to protect against the disease because they contain hormones that are raised in pregnancy, did not have the same effect. Simply having children but not breast feeding also did not seem to be protective.
The hormones released during breastfeeding strengthen the maternal bond. Teaching partners how to manage common difficulties is associated with higher breastfeeding rates.[47] Support for a mother while breastfeeding can assist in familial bonds and help build a paternal bond between father and child.[48]
If the mother is away, an alternative caregiver may be able to feed the baby with expressed breast milk. The various breast pumps available for sale and rent help working mothers to feed their babies breast milk for as long as they want. To be successful, the mother must produce and store enough milk to feed the child for the time she is away, and the feeding caregiver must be comfortable in handling breast milk.
Hormone release
Breastfeeding releases the hormones oxytocin and prolactin which relax the mother and make her feel more nurturing toward her baby.[49] Breastfeeding soon after giving birth increases the mother's oxytocin levels, making her uterus contract more quickly and reducing bleeding. Oxytocin is similar to pitocin, a synthetic hormone used to make the uterus contract.[44]
Weight loss
As fat accumulated during pregnancy is used to produce milk, extended breastfeeding—at least 6 months—can help mothers lose weight.[50] However, weight loss is highly variable among lactating women, and diet and exercise is a more reliable way of losing weight.[51]
Organisational Endorsements
World Health Organization
" [the] vast majority of mothers can and should breastfeed, just as vast majority of infants can and should be breastfed. Only under exceptional circumstances can a mother's milk be considered as unsuitable for her infant. For those few health situations where infants cannot, or should not, be breastfed, the choice of the best alternative - expressed milk from the infant's own mother, breast milk from a healthy wet-nurse or a human-milk bank, or a breast milk substitute fed with a cup, which is a safer method than a feeding bottle or a teat - depends on individual circumstances. [52] "
The WHO recommends two years of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.
American Academy of Pediatrics
" Extensive research, especially in recent years, documents diverse and compelling advantages to infants, mothers, families, and society from breastfeeding and the use of human milk for infant feeding. These include health, nutritional, immunologic, developmental, psychological, social, economic, and environmental benefits.[9] "
AAP recommends at least one year of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.
Breastfeeding difficulties
Main article: Breastfeeding complications
Despite being a natural human activity, breastfeeding difficulties are not uncommon. Putting the baby to the breast as soon as possible after birth helps to avoid many problems. The AAP breastfeeding policy says: Delay weighing, measuring, bathing, needle-sticks, and eye prophylaxis until after the first feeding is completed.[9] Many breastfeeding difficulties can be resolved with proper hospital procedures, properly trained midwives, doctors and hospital staff, and lactation consultants.[53] There are some situations in which breastfeeding may be harmful to the infant, including infection with tuberculosis or HIV, some medications and some drugs.
Infant weight gain
Breastfed infants generally gain weight according to the following guidelines:
0–4 months: 170 grams per week†
4–6 months: 113–142 grams per week
6–12 months: 57–113 grams per week
† It is acceptable for some babies to gain 113–142 grams (4–5 ounces) per week. This average is taken from the lowest weight, not the birth weight.
The average breastfed baby doubles birth weight in 5–6 months. By one year, the typical breastfed baby will weigh about 2½ times birth weight. At one year, breastfed babies tend to be leaner than bottle fed babies.[54] By two years, differences in weight gain and growth between breastfed and formula-fed babies are no longer evident.[55];
Methods and considerations
There are many books and videos to advise mothers about breastfeeding. Lactation consultants in hospitals or private practice, and volunteer organisations of breastfeeding mothers such as La Leche League also provide advice and support.
Early breastfeeding
In the half hour after birth, the baby's suckling reflex is strongest, and the baby is more alert, so it is the ideal time to start breastfeeding. [56]. Early breast-feeding is associated with fewer nighttime feeding problems [57]
1 Lactation
2 Breast milk
3 Benefits for the infant
3.1 Reduced risk of Breast Cancer
3.2 Less Atopy
3.3 Less Celiac disease
3.4 Less Diabetes mellitus
3.5 Less Diarrhea
3.6 Greater immune health
3.7 Higher Intelligence
3.8 Less necrotizing enterocolitis
3.9 Superior nutrition
3.10 Less obesity
3.11 Fewer middle ear infections
3.12 Fewer respiratory infections
3.13 Possible protection from sudden infant death syndrome
3.14 Fewer urinary tract infections
4 Benefits for mothers
4.1 Breast cancer
4.2 Arthritis
4.3 Bonding
4.4 Hormone release
4.5 Weight loss
5 Organisational endorsements
5.1 World Health Organization
5.2 American Academy of Pediatrics
6 Breastfeeding difficulties
7 Infant weight gain
8 Methods and considerations
8.1 Early breastfeeding
8.2 Time and place for breastfeeding
8.3 Latching on, feeding and positioning
8.4 Exclusive breastfeeding
8.5 Expressing breast milk
8.6 Mixed feeding
8.7 Tandem breastfeeding
8.8 Extended breastfeeding
8.9 Shared breastfeeding
8.10 Weaning
9 History of breastfeeding
10 Sociological factors with breastfeeding
11 Economic factors of breastfeeding
The production, secretion and ejection of milk is called lactation. It is one of the defining features of being a mammal.
Breast milk
Not all the properties of breast milk are understood, but its nutrient content is relatively stable. Breast milk is made from the nutrients in the mother's bloodstream and bodily stores. Some studies estimate that a woman who breastfeeds her infant exclusively uses 400 - 600 extra calories a day in producing milk.[10] The composition of breast milk depends on how long the baby nurses.
"Research shows that the milk and energy content of breastmilk actually decreases after the first year.[8] Breastmilk adapts to a toddler's developing system, providing exactly the right amount of nutrition at exactly the right time.[9] In fact, research shows that between the ages of 12 and 24 months, 448 milliliters of a mother's milk provide these percentages of the following minimum daily requirements:
Energy 29% Folate 76% Protein 43% Vitamin B12 94% Calcium 36% Vitamin C 60%10 Vitamin A 75% "[4]
Benefits for the infant
An African woman with her child in Kabala in 1960s.During breastfeeding nutrients and antibodies pass to the baby[11] and the maternal bond can also be strengthened.[12] Research has demonstrated a variety of benefits to breastfeeding an infant. [13] These include:
Reduced risk of Breast Cancer
A study at the University of Wisconsin found that women who were breast fed in infancy may have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who were not breast fed. [14]
Less Atopy
In children who are at risk for atopy (defined as at least one parent or sibling having atopy), atopic syndrome can be prevented or delayed through exclusive breastfeeding for four months, though these benefits may not be present after four months of age. [15] However, the key factor may be the age at which non-breastmilk is introduced rather than duration of breastfeeding.[16] Atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, can be reduced through exclusive breastfeeding beyond 12 weeks in individuals with a family history of atopy, but when breastfeeding beyond 12 weeks is combined with other foods incidents of eczema rise irrespective of family history.[17]
Less Celiac disease
A review of the association between breastfeeding and celiac disease (CD) concluded that breast feeding while introducing gluten to the diet reduced the risk of CD. The study was unable to determine if breastfeeding merely delayed symptoms or offerred life-long protection.[18]
Less Diabetes mellitus
Infants exclusively breastfed have less chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 1 than peers with a shorter duration of breastfeeding and an earlier exposure to cow milk and solid foods.[19] Breastfeeding also appears to protect against diabetes mellitus type 2,[20][21] at least in part due to its effects on the child's weight.[21]
Less Diarrhea
Breastfeeding protects infants against diarrhea as compared to formula-fed peers;[22] compared to formula-fed peers, death rates due to diarrhea in breastfed infants are lower irrespective of the development level of the country.[7]
Greater immune health
Breast milk include several anti-infective factors such as bile salt stimulated lipase (protecting against amoebic infections), lactoferrin (which binds to iron and inhibits the growth of intestinal bacteria)[23][24] and immunoglobulin A protecting against microorganisms.[25]
Despite also being a factor in the transmission of HIV from mother to child, some constituents in Breast milk may be protective of infection. In particular, high levels of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids in breastmilk (including eicosadienoic, arachidonic and gamma-Linolenic acids) are associated with a reduced risk of child infection when nursed by HIV-positive mothers. Arachidonic acid and gamma-linolenic acid may also reduce viral shedding of the HIV virus in Breast milk.[26]
Breastfeeding does not appear to offer protection against allergies.[27]
Higher Intelligence
Babies with a specific variant of the FADS2 gene (approximately 90% of all babies) demonstrate an IQ an average of 7 points higher if breastfed.[28]
Less necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NC), found mainly in premature births, is six to ten times more common in infants fed formula exclusively, and three times more common in infants fed a mixture of breast milk and formula, as compared to exclusive breastfeeding. In infants born at more than 30 weeks, NC was twenty times more common in infants fed exclusively on formula.[29]
Superior nutrition
Breast milk contains the ideal ratio of the amino acids cystine, methionine, and taurine to support development of the central and peripheral nervous system. Children aged seven and eight years old who were of low birthweight who were breastfed for more than eight months demonstrated significantly higher intelligence quotient scores than comparable children breastfed for less time, suggesting breastfeeding offers long-term cognitive benefits in some populations.[30]
The quality of a mother's breast milk may be compromised by stress, bad food habits, chronic illnesses,smoking, and drinking.[31] If the mother is heavily subjected to any of above factors, additional resources in particular for protein must be found. A ration must contain a heavy percentage of protein. Protein is the building block for nerves and bones. To make brain, bone and tissue, the baby must be given protein. And from two days old to at least three years. That makes strong, pretty, alert babies that sleep well and do well.[32])
Less obesity
Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of extreme obesity in children aged 39 to 42 months.[33] The protective effect of breastfeeding against obesity is consistent, though small, across many studies, and appears to increase with the duration of breastfeeding.[34]
Fewer middle ear infections
Increased duration of certain types of middle ear infections (otitis media with effusion, OME) in the first two years of life is associated with a shorter period of breastfeeding, in addition to feeding while lying down and maternal cigarette smoking.[35] A reduced proportion and duration of any otitis media infection was associated with breastfeeding rather than formula feeding for the first twelve months of life.[22]
Fewer respiratory infections
Breastfeeding appears to reduce symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in premature infants up to seven months after release from hospital.[36]
Possible protection from sudden infant death syndrome
Breastfed babies have improved arousal from sleep, which may reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.[37]
Fewer urinary tract infections
Breastfeeding reduced the risk of acquiring urinary tract infections in infants up to seven months post-partum. The protection was strongest immediately after birth, and was ineffective past seven months[38]
Benefits for mothers
Zanzibari woman breast feedingBreastfeeding is a cost effective way of feeding an infant, and provides the best nourishment for a child at a small nutrient cost to the mother. Frequent and exclusive breastfeeding can delay the return of fertility through lactational amenorrhea, though breastfeeding is at best an imperfect means of birth control. During breastfeeding beneficial hormones are released into the mother's body.[11] and the maternal bond can be strengthened.[12] Breastfeeding is possible throughout pregnancy, but generally milk production will be reduced at some point.[39]
Breast cancer
Breastfeeding mothers have less risk of endometrial,[40][41] breast and ovarian cancer,[9][12] and osteoporosis.[9][12] Mothers who breastfeed longer than eight months also benefit from bone re-mineralisation[42] and breastfeeding diabetic mothers require less insulin.[43] Breastfeeding helps stabilize maternal endometriosis,[9] reduces the risk of post-partum bleeding[44] and benefits the insulin levels for mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome.[45]
Some breastfeeding women have pain from candidiasisor staphylococcus infections of the nipple[46] though these can be managed with medical attention with little concern for mother and child.
Women who breast feed for longer have a smaller chance of getting rheumatoid arthritis, suggests a Malmo University study published online ahead of print in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (See Women Who Breast Feed for More than a Year Halve Their Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis). The study also found that taking oral contraceptives, which are suspected to protect against the disease because they contain hormones that are raised in pregnancy, did not have the same effect. Simply having children but not breast feeding also did not seem to be protective.
The hormones released during breastfeeding strengthen the maternal bond. Teaching partners how to manage common difficulties is associated with higher breastfeeding rates.[47] Support for a mother while breastfeeding can assist in familial bonds and help build a paternal bond between father and child.[48]
If the mother is away, an alternative caregiver may be able to feed the baby with expressed breast milk. The various breast pumps available for sale and rent help working mothers to feed their babies breast milk for as long as they want. To be successful, the mother must produce and store enough milk to feed the child for the time she is away, and the feeding caregiver must be comfortable in handling breast milk.
Hormone release
Breastfeeding releases the hormones oxytocin and prolactin which relax the mother and make her feel more nurturing toward her baby.[49] Breastfeeding soon after giving birth increases the mother's oxytocin levels, making her uterus contract more quickly and reducing bleeding. Oxytocin is similar to pitocin, a synthetic hormone used to make the uterus contract.[44]
Weight loss
As fat accumulated during pregnancy is used to produce milk, extended breastfeeding—at least 6 months—can help mothers lose weight.[50] However, weight loss is highly variable among lactating women, and diet and exercise is a more reliable way of losing weight.[51]
Organisational Endorsements
World Health Organization
" [the] vast majority of mothers can and should breastfeed, just as vast majority of infants can and should be breastfed. Only under exceptional circumstances can a mother's milk be considered as unsuitable for her infant. For those few health situations where infants cannot, or should not, be breastfed, the choice of the best alternative - expressed milk from the infant's own mother, breast milk from a healthy wet-nurse or a human-milk bank, or a breast milk substitute fed with a cup, which is a safer method than a feeding bottle or a teat - depends on individual circumstances. [52] "
The WHO recommends two years of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.
American Academy of Pediatrics
" Extensive research, especially in recent years, documents diverse and compelling advantages to infants, mothers, families, and society from breastfeeding and the use of human milk for infant feeding. These include health, nutritional, immunologic, developmental, psychological, social, economic, and environmental benefits.[9] "
AAP recommends at least one year of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.
Breastfeeding difficulties
Main article: Breastfeeding complications
Despite being a natural human activity, breastfeeding difficulties are not uncommon. Putting the baby to the breast as soon as possible after birth helps to avoid many problems. The AAP breastfeeding policy says: Delay weighing, measuring, bathing, needle-sticks, and eye prophylaxis until after the first feeding is completed.[9] Many breastfeeding difficulties can be resolved with proper hospital procedures, properly trained midwives, doctors and hospital staff, and lactation consultants.[53] There are some situations in which breastfeeding may be harmful to the infant, including infection with tuberculosis or HIV, some medications and some drugs.
Infant weight gain
Breastfed infants generally gain weight according to the following guidelines:
0–4 months: 170 grams per week†
4–6 months: 113–142 grams per week
6–12 months: 57–113 grams per week
† It is acceptable for some babies to gain 113–142 grams (4–5 ounces) per week. This average is taken from the lowest weight, not the birth weight.
The average breastfed baby doubles birth weight in 5–6 months. By one year, the typical breastfed baby will weigh about 2½ times birth weight. At one year, breastfed babies tend to be leaner than bottle fed babies.[54] By two years, differences in weight gain and growth between breastfed and formula-fed babies are no longer evident.[55];
Methods and considerations
There are many books and videos to advise mothers about breastfeeding. Lactation consultants in hospitals or private practice, and volunteer organisations of breastfeeding mothers such as La Leche League also provide advice and support.
Early breastfeeding
In the half hour after birth, the baby's suckling reflex is strongest, and the baby is more alert, so it is the ideal time to start breastfeeding. [56]. Early breast-feeding is associated with fewer nighttime feeding problems [57]
3 things that gone never return
Three things in life that, once gone, never come back
Time Words Opportunity
Three things in life that may never be lost
Peace Hope Honesty
Three things in life that are most valuable
Love Self-Confidence Friends
Three things in life that are never certain
Dreams Success Fortune
Three things that make a man/woman
Hard work Sincerity Commitment
Three things in life that can destroy a man/woman
Alcohol Pride Anger
Three things in life that, once lost, hard to build-up
Respect Trust Friends
Three things in life that never fail
True Love Determination Belief
Time Words Opportunity
Three things in life that may never be lost
Peace Hope Honesty
Three things in life that are most valuable
Love Self-Confidence Friends
Three things in life that are never certain
Dreams Success Fortune
Three things that make a man/woman
Hard work Sincerity Commitment
Three things in life that can destroy a man/woman
Alcohol Pride Anger
Three things in life that, once lost, hard to build-up
Respect Trust Friends
Three things in life that never fail
True Love Determination Belief
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
ALOPECIA (Spot Baldness)
ALOPECIA (Spot Baldness)
It's amazing to observe both men and women get seriously bothered about their hair. How they spend reasonable amount of money and time thinking about the next style they would want to have on their next visit to their favorite hair salon or the latest treatments and maintenance of a beautiful and healthy condition of their hair. They engage themselves on these things to pamper themselves or to simply enjoy the sensation of feeling beautiful in the eyes of other people. Needless to say, how your hair looks is an important factor in your over-all appearance everyday. Indubitably, this is just one of the myriad of methods a man or a woman would try to take on to improve one’s self-esteem nowadays.
So how annoyed do you get when you see your pillow full of hair strands when you wake up and you have to pick them out one by one? To see your hairbrush always thick of your own hair? Hair strands cause to clog your bathroom’s water drainage because your hair just can’t cease from falling when you take your bath? To accumulate countless strands when you sweep your floor? And when you arrive at the office, the first thing your officemates notice about you is your receding hairline or the thinning of your hair. Then you start studying your hairline at the mirror and you notice the changes. It’s a disease called “alopecia” or in the layman’s term “hair loss or baldness.”
Specialists do get different reactions on alopecia. It importantly depends on how informed the patient is about the disease, its causes, possible effects of the same on persons, and the knowledge and acceptance of the probability of getting cured or not. Some experience social phobia, anxiety, and depression.
As for Maya Torres losing her hair caused by the inducement of chemotherapy medications initially added to her despondency. This 23-year-old fine lady, was just like any other typical femme sole that are quite conscious on how they would look like. Who would also likely take pleasure in pampering herself with the same method as mentioned above to boost up her self-confidence. But Maya is a young lad with colon cancer. She is fighting the battle the dreaded disease has against her for three (3) years now and still she has yet to taste victory. Maya was first diagnosed with Stage 2A colon cancer when she was a graduating college student in 2003. The malignant tumor that grown large in her ascending colon was removed through surgery on the same year. For two years after the surgery, she lived a normal life, graduated with honors, got a position as a legal secretary in a law firm and worked her way very well. One day she heard the bad news, the tumor had recurred and must be operated on immediately. Actually it was a prognosis, Maya’s oncologist explained very well right after the first surgery that she had to undergo twelve (12) chemotherapy sessions to lessen the possibility of recurrence of the tumor. But Maya, a graduating student then, opted not to undergo chemotherapy, thinking about her academics. So she underwent second surgery but this time the tumor cannot be taken out
completely due to the complexity of its location that might cause internal bleeding if the doctors ensued in taking it out completely. After the second operation, she and her family decided that Maya needed to undergo and finish the required twelve (12) chemotherapy sessions. And she did finish it after nearly a year and they tasted victory that would later turn out to be ephemeral.
Maya has lost approximately eighty-five (85%) percent of her hair all over her body including her pubic hair. At first, Maya was hesitant and awkward to take a look at herself in the mirror. It was painful for her to see her head almost without hair and they continue to fall. But now, she has learned a new way of approach on her condition – acceptance, patience and unwavering faith.
With sufficient and substantial information, any patient suffering from hair loss or alopecia could cope, draw back fear, accept, and alleviate their burden, thus putting their mind at ease, and in achieving so helps boost their immune system.
Hence, we should all learn more about alopecia, its causes, its different types, effects, preventions and remedies.
Causes of alopecia are often related to aging, heredity, and hormones. Maya Torres’s story is also an example, that is – medications for cancer chemotherapy. There are other several causes of alopecia, to wit:
Don't be surprised if you noticed that you are losing a large amount of your hair about 3 or 4 months after an illness of a major surgery because this is said to be stress-related and your hair will eventually grow back.
Hormone imbalance. E.g. Overactive or underactive thyroid gland; imbalance male hormones known as androgens or female hormones known as estrogens.
Inducement of medicines like blood thinners (anti-coagulants); medicines used for gout, birth control pills, antidepressants, and too much Vitamin A.
Fungal infections of the scalp; Tinea Capitis (ringworm of the scalp) It is important that you consult your doctor first before taking any medications relative to hair loss because such may be an underlying part of yet another disease like diabetes or lupus.
Excessive use of shampoo, blow-drying, hot oil teatments or chemicals used in
permanents which causes swelling of hair follicles that resul ts to hair loss.
Emotional or physical stress
Continual hair pulling or scalp rubbing which are considered as one of a person's nervous habits.
Burns or radiation therapy
Alopecia areata (see meaning below.)
In adult male humans, the most common form of alopecia is the continuous hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or 'male pattern baldness' while in adult female humans, the same condition is termed as alopecia and rogenetica or 'female pattern baldness'.
Scientific studies also show that hair loss or baldness is a result of two factors: first, genetic background and second, large quantities of androgenic hormones which causes intense masculinizing effects throughout the body including testosterone. Therefore, when a female human specie has large quantities of such hormone, she develops virile characteristics such as baldness.
Alopecia areata is also sometimes referred to as spot baldness. It is a form of hair loss that usually starts from the scalp.
Alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disease -- any disease that results from an aberrant response of the immune system -- in which the body mistakenly treats its hair follicles as foreign tissue and suppresses or stops hair growth. It is hereditary.
1. When the condition spread tot he entire scalp, it is called alopecia totalis.
2. Alopecia universalis - refers to the entire epidermis.
3. Alopecia areata multilocularis - refers to multiple areas of hair loss.
4. Alopecia areata monolocularis - a condition of baldness in only one spot. Occurs anywhere on the head.
5. Alopecia areata totalis - is a condition when a person loses all the hair on the scalp.
6. Alopecia areata universalis - refers to the condition of losing all body hair including the pubic hair.
7. Alopecia areata barbae - is a disease limited to the beard.
Effects can be psychological (anxiety, depression, social phobia, etc.) or
physical. Patients may experience asthma, allergies, atopic dermal ailments, hay
fever and hypothyroidism. Excessive exposure to the sun may also cause scalp
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two-combination of non-surgical
treatment: (1) Finasteride is a form of antiandrogen that works as inhibitor of
an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone called type II
5-alpha reductase. It is used in may countries to treat 'male pattern baldness'
or what is also termed as 'androgenetic alopecia'. Minoxidil is a medicine used
to treat high blood pressure, but some patients were noted to have excessive
hair growth or what is medically termed as 'hypertrichosis'.
(2) Low-level laser therapy
(3) Anti Androgen Therapy
(4) Surgery
(5) Ketoconazole
(6) Unsaturated Fatty Acids
(7) Exercise
(8) Resveratrol - a substance found naturally in red wines.
"Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps to produce healthy sebum (oil) in the scalp. Fish liver oil, milk, meat, cheese, eggs, cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli, apricots and peaches are rich in Vitamin A.
Vitamin C is another antioxidant that helps maintain healthy hair and skin. Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and dark green vegetables are rich in Vitamin C.
Vitamin E increases scalp circulation which is vital for hair growth. You can find this type of vitamin in wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds ad nuts, dried beans and leafy green vegetables.
Biotin is thought to help produce keratin, the building block of hair and nails. It is also thought that is vitamin may prevent graying (whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice and milk).
Vitamin B6 is thought to prevent hair loss and help create melanin, the pigment which gives hair its color (liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolks).
Calcium is essential for healthy hair growth (dairy, fish, nuts, lentils and sesame seeds).
Copper helps prevent hair loss and defects in hair color and structure (shellfish, liver, green vegetables, eggs, chicken and beans).
Iodine helps regulate thyroid hormones. Thyroid disease is the number one cause of disease-related hair loss (fish, seaweed, kelp, iodized salt and garlic). Manganese prevents hair from growing too slowly (eggs, whole grain cereals, avocados, beans, nuts, meat and chicken).
Silica prevents hair loss by strengthening the hair (seafood, soybeans, rice and green vegetables)."
An informed patient and his attitude towards his illness are vital factors in winning the battle., American Academy of Family Physicians
page 893, Textbook of Medical Physiology, Eight Edition, Arthur C. Guyton, M.D.,
1991 W.B. Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jonanovich, Inc.
Your hair can tell you what is wrong in your body.
If you have excessive hair loss, check your thyroid gland. Also, make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals.
If your hair is fragile, check your bowels.
If your hair grows very slowly, your nervous system is very weak.
If you started getting gray hair fast, check your heart and pancreas. Another reason could be a hormonal dysfunction.
If you get a few grey strands of hair, it could be a genetic defect – dysfunction of hair nerve.
The reasons for getting grey hair at a young age are high acidity, getting a lot of salt with foods, diabetes, stress, constant fatigue, lack of enzymes, disorder of sex functions and poor blood circulation in your heart.
A cause of getting half of your hair or all of your hair grey is severe stress or shock.
If your hair is very brittle, you have not been getting optimal nutrition for a long time.
If a woman gets bald spots on her temples, it could be early climax, dysmenorrheal and hormonal dysfunction.
If you had light hair and it started getting dark fast, check your liver and gall bladder.
If your hair got dark only on the roots, it could be a head skin disease.
The cause of baldness could be rheumatism or gout.
If you got round bald spots, you have serious anemia.
If you have dandruff, limit the amount of salt, sugar, coffee and dairy in your diet.
Salt: Rub regular salt into bold spots for 15 minutes before you wash your hair for 10 days.
Take 1 part cognac, 4 parts onion juice, 6 parts burdock tea Rub it into your scalp, cover your head, leave it for 2 hours, then rinse your hair. Repeat once a week.
It's amazing to observe both men and women get seriously bothered about their hair. How they spend reasonable amount of money and time thinking about the next style they would want to have on their next visit to their favorite hair salon or the latest treatments and maintenance of a beautiful and healthy condition of their hair. They engage themselves on these things to pamper themselves or to simply enjoy the sensation of feeling beautiful in the eyes of other people. Needless to say, how your hair looks is an important factor in your over-all appearance everyday. Indubitably, this is just one of the myriad of methods a man or a woman would try to take on to improve one’s self-esteem nowadays.
So how annoyed do you get when you see your pillow full of hair strands when you wake up and you have to pick them out one by one? To see your hairbrush always thick of your own hair? Hair strands cause to clog your bathroom’s water drainage because your hair just can’t cease from falling when you take your bath? To accumulate countless strands when you sweep your floor? And when you arrive at the office, the first thing your officemates notice about you is your receding hairline or the thinning of your hair. Then you start studying your hairline at the mirror and you notice the changes. It’s a disease called “alopecia” or in the layman’s term “hair loss or baldness.”
Specialists do get different reactions on alopecia. It importantly depends on how informed the patient is about the disease, its causes, possible effects of the same on persons, and the knowledge and acceptance of the probability of getting cured or not. Some experience social phobia, anxiety, and depression.
As for Maya Torres losing her hair caused by the inducement of chemotherapy medications initially added to her despondency. This 23-year-old fine lady, was just like any other typical femme sole that are quite conscious on how they would look like. Who would also likely take pleasure in pampering herself with the same method as mentioned above to boost up her self-confidence. But Maya is a young lad with colon cancer. She is fighting the battle the dreaded disease has against her for three (3) years now and still she has yet to taste victory. Maya was first diagnosed with Stage 2A colon cancer when she was a graduating college student in 2003. The malignant tumor that grown large in her ascending colon was removed through surgery on the same year. For two years after the surgery, she lived a normal life, graduated with honors, got a position as a legal secretary in a law firm and worked her way very well. One day she heard the bad news, the tumor had recurred and must be operated on immediately. Actually it was a prognosis, Maya’s oncologist explained very well right after the first surgery that she had to undergo twelve (12) chemotherapy sessions to lessen the possibility of recurrence of the tumor. But Maya, a graduating student then, opted not to undergo chemotherapy, thinking about her academics. So she underwent second surgery but this time the tumor cannot be taken out
completely due to the complexity of its location that might cause internal bleeding if the doctors ensued in taking it out completely. After the second operation, she and her family decided that Maya needed to undergo and finish the required twelve (12) chemotherapy sessions. And she did finish it after nearly a year and they tasted victory that would later turn out to be ephemeral.
Maya has lost approximately eighty-five (85%) percent of her hair all over her body including her pubic hair. At first, Maya was hesitant and awkward to take a look at herself in the mirror. It was painful for her to see her head almost without hair and they continue to fall. But now, she has learned a new way of approach on her condition – acceptance, patience and unwavering faith.
With sufficient and substantial information, any patient suffering from hair loss or alopecia could cope, draw back fear, accept, and alleviate their burden, thus putting their mind at ease, and in achieving so helps boost their immune system.
Hence, we should all learn more about alopecia, its causes, its different types, effects, preventions and remedies.
Causes of alopecia are often related to aging, heredity, and hormones. Maya Torres’s story is also an example, that is – medications for cancer chemotherapy. There are other several causes of alopecia, to wit:
Don't be surprised if you noticed that you are losing a large amount of your hair about 3 or 4 months after an illness of a major surgery because this is said to be stress-related and your hair will eventually grow back.
Hormone imbalance. E.g. Overactive or underactive thyroid gland; imbalance male hormones known as androgens or female hormones known as estrogens.
Inducement of medicines like blood thinners (anti-coagulants); medicines used for gout, birth control pills, antidepressants, and too much Vitamin A.
Fungal infections of the scalp; Tinea Capitis (ringworm of the scalp) It is important that you consult your doctor first before taking any medications relative to hair loss because such may be an underlying part of yet another disease like diabetes or lupus.
Excessive use of shampoo, blow-drying, hot oil teatments or chemicals used in
permanents which causes swelling of hair follicles that resul ts to hair loss.
Emotional or physical stress
Continual hair pulling or scalp rubbing which are considered as one of a person's nervous habits.
Burns or radiation therapy
Alopecia areata (see meaning below.)
In adult male humans, the most common form of alopecia is the continuous hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or 'male pattern baldness' while in adult female humans, the same condition is termed as alopecia and rogenetica or 'female pattern baldness'.
Scientific studies also show that hair loss or baldness is a result of two factors: first, genetic background and second, large quantities of androgenic hormones which causes intense masculinizing effects throughout the body including testosterone. Therefore, when a female human specie has large quantities of such hormone, she develops virile characteristics such as baldness.
Alopecia areata is also sometimes referred to as spot baldness. It is a form of hair loss that usually starts from the scalp.
Alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disease -- any disease that results from an aberrant response of the immune system -- in which the body mistakenly treats its hair follicles as foreign tissue and suppresses or stops hair growth. It is hereditary.
1. When the condition spread tot he entire scalp, it is called alopecia totalis.
2. Alopecia universalis - refers to the entire epidermis.
3. Alopecia areata multilocularis - refers to multiple areas of hair loss.
4. Alopecia areata monolocularis - a condition of baldness in only one spot. Occurs anywhere on the head.
5. Alopecia areata totalis - is a condition when a person loses all the hair on the scalp.
6. Alopecia areata universalis - refers to the condition of losing all body hair including the pubic hair.
7. Alopecia areata barbae - is a disease limited to the beard.
Effects can be psychological (anxiety, depression, social phobia, etc.) or
physical. Patients may experience asthma, allergies, atopic dermal ailments, hay
fever and hypothyroidism. Excessive exposure to the sun may also cause scalp
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two-combination of non-surgical
treatment: (1) Finasteride is a form of antiandrogen that works as inhibitor of
an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone called type II
5-alpha reductase. It is used in may countries to treat 'male pattern baldness'
or what is also termed as 'androgenetic alopecia'. Minoxidil is a medicine used
to treat high blood pressure, but some patients were noted to have excessive
hair growth or what is medically termed as 'hypertrichosis'.
(2) Low-level laser therapy
(3) Anti Androgen Therapy
(4) Surgery
(5) Ketoconazole
(6) Unsaturated Fatty Acids
(7) Exercise
(8) Resveratrol - a substance found naturally in red wines.
"Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps to produce healthy sebum (oil) in the scalp. Fish liver oil, milk, meat, cheese, eggs, cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli, apricots and peaches are rich in Vitamin A.
Vitamin C is another antioxidant that helps maintain healthy hair and skin. Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and dark green vegetables are rich in Vitamin C.
Vitamin E increases scalp circulation which is vital for hair growth. You can find this type of vitamin in wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds ad nuts, dried beans and leafy green vegetables.
Biotin is thought to help produce keratin, the building block of hair and nails. It is also thought that is vitamin may prevent graying (whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice and milk).
Vitamin B6 is thought to prevent hair loss and help create melanin, the pigment which gives hair its color (liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolks).
Calcium is essential for healthy hair growth (dairy, fish, nuts, lentils and sesame seeds).
Copper helps prevent hair loss and defects in hair color and structure (shellfish, liver, green vegetables, eggs, chicken and beans).
Iodine helps regulate thyroid hormones. Thyroid disease is the number one cause of disease-related hair loss (fish, seaweed, kelp, iodized salt and garlic). Manganese prevents hair from growing too slowly (eggs, whole grain cereals, avocados, beans, nuts, meat and chicken).
Silica prevents hair loss by strengthening the hair (seafood, soybeans, rice and green vegetables)."
An informed patient and his attitude towards his illness are vital factors in winning the battle., American Academy of Family Physicians
page 893, Textbook of Medical Physiology, Eight Edition, Arthur C. Guyton, M.D.,
1991 W.B. Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jonanovich, Inc.
Your hair can tell you what is wrong in your body.
If you have excessive hair loss, check your thyroid gland. Also, make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals.
If your hair is fragile, check your bowels.
If your hair grows very slowly, your nervous system is very weak.
If you started getting gray hair fast, check your heart and pancreas. Another reason could be a hormonal dysfunction.
If you get a few grey strands of hair, it could be a genetic defect – dysfunction of hair nerve.
The reasons for getting grey hair at a young age are high acidity, getting a lot of salt with foods, diabetes, stress, constant fatigue, lack of enzymes, disorder of sex functions and poor blood circulation in your heart.
A cause of getting half of your hair or all of your hair grey is severe stress or shock.
If your hair is very brittle, you have not been getting optimal nutrition for a long time.
If a woman gets bald spots on her temples, it could be early climax, dysmenorrheal and hormonal dysfunction.
If you had light hair and it started getting dark fast, check your liver and gall bladder.
If your hair got dark only on the roots, it could be a head skin disease.
The cause of baldness could be rheumatism or gout.
If you got round bald spots, you have serious anemia.
If you have dandruff, limit the amount of salt, sugar, coffee and dairy in your diet.
Salt: Rub regular salt into bold spots for 15 minutes before you wash your hair for 10 days.
Take 1 part cognac, 4 parts onion juice, 6 parts burdock tea Rub it into your scalp, cover your head, leave it for 2 hours, then rinse your hair. Repeat once a week.
Right to lead by man/woman
What gives a man or woman the right to lead?
It certainly isn’t gained by election or appointment. Having position, title, rank, or degrees doesn’t qualify anyone to lead other people. And the ability doesn’t come automatically from age or experience, either.
No, it would be accurate to say that no one can be given the right to lead. The right to lead can only be earned. And that takes time.
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go.
As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
1. Let go of your ego.
The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. They lead in order to serve other people. Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things, and I’ll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.
2. Become a good follower first.
Rare is the effective leader who didn’t learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United State Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first “ and why West Point has produced more leaders than the Harvard Business School.
3. Build positive relationships.
Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. That means it is by nature relational. Today’s generation of leaders seem particularly aware of this because title and position mean so little to them. They know intuitively that people go along with people they get along with.
4. Work with excellence.
No one respects and follows mediocrity. Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.
5.Rely on discipline, not emotion.
Leadership is often easy during the good times. It’s when everything seems to be against you “ when you’re out of energy, and you don’t want to lead “ that you earn your place as a leader. During every season of life, leaders face crucial moments when they must choose between gearing up or giving up. To make it through those times, rely on the rock of discipline, not the shifting sand of emotion.
6.Make adding value your goal.
When you look at the leaders whose names are revered long after they have finished leading, you find that they were men and women who helped people to live better lives and reach their potential. That is the highest calling of leadership “ and its highest value.
7. Give your power away.
One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You’re meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.
It certainly isn’t gained by election or appointment. Having position, title, rank, or degrees doesn’t qualify anyone to lead other people. And the ability doesn’t come automatically from age or experience, either.
No, it would be accurate to say that no one can be given the right to lead. The right to lead can only be earned. And that takes time.
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go.
As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
1. Let go of your ego.
The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. They lead in order to serve other people. Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things, and I’ll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.
2. Become a good follower first.
Rare is the effective leader who didn’t learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United State Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first “ and why West Point has produced more leaders than the Harvard Business School.
3. Build positive relationships.
Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. That means it is by nature relational. Today’s generation of leaders seem particularly aware of this because title and position mean so little to them. They know intuitively that people go along with people they get along with.
4. Work with excellence.
No one respects and follows mediocrity. Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.
5.Rely on discipline, not emotion.
Leadership is often easy during the good times. It’s when everything seems to be against you “ when you’re out of energy, and you don’t want to lead “ that you earn your place as a leader. During every season of life, leaders face crucial moments when they must choose between gearing up or giving up. To make it through those times, rely on the rock of discipline, not the shifting sand of emotion.
6.Make adding value your goal.
When you look at the leaders whose names are revered long after they have finished leading, you find that they were men and women who helped people to live better lives and reach their potential. That is the highest calling of leadership “ and its highest value.
7. Give your power away.
One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You’re meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.
Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga : Laugh your way to good health
Laughter yoga is the latest fad in fitness as more people are embracing it to beat stress
There is nothing like laughter to beat the blues and feel really alive and zestful, as many are discovering to their delight. Laughter also works your muscles. Twenty seconds of a good, hard belly laugh is worth three minutes on the rowing machine. Incorporating hasya or laughter yoga can boost the benefits derived from a regular exercise routine.
The hasya laughter course is a part of a growing trend in the US, India and many other countries. Its followers are re-learning something children already know instinctively – that laughter makes you feel better.
A brainchild of a family physician from India, Madan Kataria, hasya yoga is being taught by Barb Fisher. She is an instructor at the class being offered by University of Michigan’s Mfit Health Promotion Division. The daily routine begins with chants like ‘ho ho, ha ha ha,’ a warm-up exercise, amid clapping of hands and walking around the room.
Over the next half-hour, students stretch their muscles and work on breathing exercises. They also laugh for most of the 30 minutes, from self-conscious giggles to uninhibited belly laughs. “Kids laugh about 400 times a day, and adults only about 15,” noted Fisher, a certified laughter yoga leader. “Laughter is a gift that has been given to us to make us feel better.” Fisher teaches her students that it is not only fun to laugh, but hasya yoga also reduces stress, boosts immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems and helps overcome bad digestion and constipation. But even with all of these health benefits, laughter yoga should supplement other types of aerobic and weightbearing exercises, she adds. ANS
Laughter yoga is the latest fad in fitness as more people are embracing it to beat stress
There is nothing like laughter to beat the blues and feel really alive and zestful, as many are discovering to their delight. Laughter also works your muscles. Twenty seconds of a good, hard belly laugh is worth three minutes on the rowing machine. Incorporating hasya or laughter yoga can boost the benefits derived from a regular exercise routine.
The hasya laughter course is a part of a growing trend in the US, India and many other countries. Its followers are re-learning something children already know instinctively – that laughter makes you feel better.
A brainchild of a family physician from India, Madan Kataria, hasya yoga is being taught by Barb Fisher. She is an instructor at the class being offered by University of Michigan’s Mfit Health Promotion Division. The daily routine begins with chants like ‘ho ho, ha ha ha,’ a warm-up exercise, amid clapping of hands and walking around the room.
Over the next half-hour, students stretch their muscles and work on breathing exercises. They also laugh for most of the 30 minutes, from self-conscious giggles to uninhibited belly laughs. “Kids laugh about 400 times a day, and adults only about 15,” noted Fisher, a certified laughter yoga leader. “Laughter is a gift that has been given to us to make us feel better.” Fisher teaches her students that it is not only fun to laugh, but hasya yoga also reduces stress, boosts immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems and helps overcome bad digestion and constipation. But even with all of these health benefits, laughter yoga should supplement other types of aerobic and weightbearing exercises, she adds. ANS
story: Tom'c scrotum
Tom's scrotum
The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers. Suzie Smith stood and walked to the podium. She said, "I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Tom, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagine the pain that poor Tom must have experienced. "Tom was unable to hold me or the children," she went on, "and every move caused him terrible pain." We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Tom's scrotum, and wrap wire around it to hold it in place."
Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Tom.
"Now," she announced in a quivering voice, "thank the Lord, Tom is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely."
All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if anyone else had something to say.
A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium.
He said, "I'm Tom Smith." The entire congregation held its breath. "I just want to tell my wife the word is sternum."
It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone!
The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers. Suzie Smith stood and walked to the podium. She said, "I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Tom, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear a muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagine the pain that poor Tom must have experienced. "Tom was unable to hold me or the children," she went on, "and every move caused him terrible pain." We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Tom's scrotum, and wrap wire around it to hold it in place."
Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Tom.
"Now," she announced in a quivering voice, "thank the Lord, Tom is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time, his scrotum should recover completely."
All the men sighed with unified relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if anyone else had something to say.
A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium.
He said, "I'm Tom Smith." The entire congregation held its breath. "I just want to tell my wife the word is sternum."
It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Your lips, your eyes, your soul Are like a work of art
Your lips, your eyes, your soul
Are like a work of art,
The most creative thing of all
Is your beautiful heart.
If you were a painting,
No colours could express
The beauty deep inside you,
A rainbow, nothing less.
If you were a sculpture
The clay could hardly make
Your figure of an angel Without one mistake.
If you were a euphony
No choir could really sing
All the beautiful music
Your eyes could possibly bring.
So here I am, an artist,
With inspiration beyond belief
But to capture such rare beauty,
I'd have to be a thief.
Your lips, your eyes, your soul
Are like a work of art,
The most creative thing of all
Is your beautiful heart.
If you were a painting,
No colours could express
The beauty deep inside you,
A rainbow, nothing less.
If you were a sculpture
The clay could hardly make
Your figure of an angel Without one mistake.
If you were a euphony
No choir could really sing
All the beautiful music
Your eyes could possibly bring.
So here I am, an artist,
With inspiration beyond belief
But to capture such rare beauty,
I'd have to be a thief.
Hair Loss Definition
Hair loss, also known as baldness refers to excessive hair loss from scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition.
It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. However, some people may experience>excessive hair loss which might cause baldness.
Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss
How to Cure Hair Loss with Natural Treatments
Yemeni med: Soak fenugreek (Hilba) in deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cloth for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.
Massage the scalp with uncooked egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash.
Smear Red Henna on the scalp and wait for 1 hour, then wash, Repeat for 10-14 days. Be ware- your hair will turn red from the henna!
Smear castor oil on the scalp and the hair roots but not on the hair, wrap the hair with a newspaper, tie with a cloth and leave overnight, wash in the morning. Repeat every 7-10 days (results will come after 6-7 treatments).
Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.
Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and use to wash the hair.
Rub olive oil into the scalp to reduce hair loss.
Boil rosemary leaves in water, strain and save the liquid in a glass bottle. Use to wash the hair every day. You can also put the rosemary water in a sprayer and spray the hair every morning.
Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, rosemary, 1 lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Apply on the hair roots for half an hour and wash off.
Mix 1 tablespoon of cumin to 1/2 a cup of olive oil and rub into the scalp, leave for half an hour and wash off.
Yemeni med: Mix Olive leaves with peach leaves, pomegranate leaves, buckthorn leaves, Henna, olive oil, and some salt. Grind and boil the mixture then leave to cool. Drain through a fabric and save in a container. Smear on the hair before bed time and leave for the whole night, wash in the morning. Repeat for 1-2 weeks. It will make the hair stronger and darker and will grow some new hair.
Yemeni med: Grind myrtle leaves and saturate in water for 24 hours. Apply on hair, cover with a fabric and leave for the whole night (can also add olive oil and salt). Wash in the morning with cold or warm water. Repeat for 2 weeks.
Hair loss, also known as baldness refers to excessive hair loss from scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition.
It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. However, some people may experience>excessive hair loss which might cause baldness.
Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss
How to Cure Hair Loss with Natural Treatments
Yemeni med: Soak fenugreek (Hilba) in deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cloth for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.
Massage the scalp with uncooked egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash.
Smear Red Henna on the scalp and wait for 1 hour, then wash, Repeat for 10-14 days. Be ware- your hair will turn red from the henna!
Smear castor oil on the scalp and the hair roots but not on the hair, wrap the hair with a newspaper, tie with a cloth and leave overnight, wash in the morning. Repeat every 7-10 days (results will come after 6-7 treatments).
Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.
Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and use to wash the hair.
Rub olive oil into the scalp to reduce hair loss.
Boil rosemary leaves in water, strain and save the liquid in a glass bottle. Use to wash the hair every day. You can also put the rosemary water in a sprayer and spray the hair every morning.
Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, rosemary, 1 lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Apply on the hair roots for half an hour and wash off.
Mix 1 tablespoon of cumin to 1/2 a cup of olive oil and rub into the scalp, leave for half an hour and wash off.
Yemeni med: Mix Olive leaves with peach leaves, pomegranate leaves, buckthorn leaves, Henna, olive oil, and some salt. Grind and boil the mixture then leave to cool. Drain through a fabric and save in a container. Smear on the hair before bed time and leave for the whole night, wash in the morning. Repeat for 1-2 weeks. It will make the hair stronger and darker and will grow some new hair.
Yemeni med: Grind myrtle leaves and saturate in water for 24 hours. Apply on hair, cover with a fabric and leave for the whole night (can also add olive oil and salt). Wash in the morning with cold or warm water. Repeat for 2 weeks.
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