Tuesday, September 25, 2012


WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A FRIEND:A Friend..... Is someone that everyone needs A friend Is that special one A friend Is someone you tell EVERYTHING A friend Is someone you never lie to A friend Can be a boy or a girl A friend Is someone that is always their A friend Will always listen to you A friend Always has input to give A friend Will never leave you in the dust A friend Will help you through the thick and the thin A friend Will always stand by your side A friend Will never let you down A friend Is someone everyone needs. Are we friends* *or are we not?* *You told me once* *But I forgot* *Tell me now* *and tell me true* *so can I say* *I'm here for you* *Of all the friends I've ever met* *Your the one I won't forget* *And if I die* *before you do* *I'll go to heaven* *And wait for you* *I'll give the angels* * back their wings* *And risk the loss* *Of everything* *Just to prove* *My friendship is true* *To have a friend just like you* WHAT IS TRUE LOVE:True love is when u shed a tear and still want him. It is when he ignores u and u still want him. It is when he loves another and still smile and say I'm happy for you. For me love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you. A guy who will turn to his friends when you walk into a room and says, "that's her". A guy who is present....he doesn't disappear from your heart, your head or your life. HER GUARDIAN ANGEL:She is lucky as she has found a true friend in her tagged angel. She will never let that angel ever get hurt, or ever leave that angel or even let that angel leave her. coz both of them need each other to help them thru what each of them are going through. It was His (God's) design that they should meet and if they ever go their separate ways both will be destroyed. So for it not to be destroyed we have to help each other to balance our selves. TRUE FRIENDS:A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall A true friend is one that won't lie A true friend is there when you call A true friend is there when you want to die A true friend knows just what to say A true friend won't care what other people think A true friend will help you find your way A true friend will make sure you don't sink A true friend will help you choose your path A true friend will know when something is wrong A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath A true friend makes you feel like you belong A true friend LOVE NEVER ENDS:Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never ends~~ WHAT IS LOVE:Love is a funny thing. You expect it to be easy. You expect it to be a world of roses and laughs and perfect moments that you find only in movies. You expect her to always say the right thing, and always know exactly how you feel, or exactly how to react to it. You expect her to calm you down when you're yelling or to chase you when you run away. You expect so much that you feel entirely, and utterly defeated when something doesn't exactly match up with all your plans. But that's the thing. Love isn't a plan. It doesn't have a certain beginning and it certainly has no end or visible finish line to those deeply in it.Love happens; it is so incredibly messy. People around you can't comprehend why you do the things you do, or why you fight so hard for something that seems to cause you so much pain, because simply, they can't see. They can't see the invisible ring of insanity that surrounds you when you're in love. It's inconvenient and painful and devastating at times, but we can't live without it. What you don't learn is how hard love is. How much work it takes. How much of ourselves we have to put into it. How it isn't worth it until we are complete and utter idiots about it. WHAT IS A FRIEND:Friend is that what has no face, it has feeling.. Friend is that what has no race, it has heart.. Friend is that what has no prejudice and, yes, spread out hands.. Friend is that what has not hour so every hour is an hour... Friend has no smile, it has expression... Friend has no beauty, it has perfection... Friend is not a visit, so it is always welcome... Friend is that what has no words, it has the embrace... Friend does not point to his defects, it shows his qualities up...

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