Saturday, January 21, 2012


"Certain magicians or sorcerers have the reputation for bringing
back the dead. Actually, these are not true resurrections: these
sorcerers know of certain methods by which they are able to call
up entities living on earth or underground, which they introduce
into the corpse to bring it back to life. It is not the dead
person's spirit returning but other entities they got to enter
the body and kept there for a certain time with their spells.
All those who are said to have been brought back to life were
not actually dead, even if they were thought to be because their
heart had stopped beating. True death occurs not when the heart
stops beating but when it has lost its warmth. When breathing
stops, it is still not death. So long as the heart remains warm,
humans can be brought back to life by massage or some other
treatment, or even by means of divine magic. But when warmth
departs from the heart and the silver cord which connects the
physical body to the etheric and astral bodies is severed,
nothing more can be done to bring them back to life."

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