Monday, January 16, 2012


Stress is evil and can only wreak havoc on our mind, body and spirit. One can learn to cope with the following survival kit:

I First, find out what's causing the stress. A relationship issue, financial loss, failure, an accident or a change that's not necessarily negative, like shifting to a new house, a marriage or a long trip can be the source. Some common stressors are a violent parent or spouse, a bullying boss, being trapped in a bad marriage or job, excessive workload or responsibilities, a medical illness or chronic pain, or memories from a trauma, like sexual abuse.

I It's equally important to become aware of your individual coping style. Find out what you perceive as the cause of stress and how you're emotionally responding to it.

I Once identified, you need to evaluate how many changes you could incorporate in your environment and even in yourself. The assessment has to be honest and realistic. You can seek advice from within the family or friends or take professional help.

I Learn to tell the difference between facts and fears.You can only deal with reality and then treat your fears! I

Don't constantly micromanage. Learn to accept uncertainty and your limitations in certain situations.

I Know your own limits — don't be too competitive or expect too much of yourself. ()

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