Saturday, January 21, 2012

health benefit for sex

Health benefits of sex

The uninitiated keep wondering how it feels, the more seasoned ones vow by its pleasures and no one can ever say NO to it—yes, I am talking about Sex.

Though it occupies the human mind unlike anything else, it seems that most people don’t realize that sex isn't just about fulfilling your carnal desires. There is sufficient, unquestionable scientific proof that underlines the health benefits of sex. In fact, sex surfaces as one of the most comprehensive and effective activities you can indulge in from a health perspective. Some of the most documented and proven health benefits of sex have been listed below:

Sex Boosts Your Immunity
The principle of your mind and body’s health being interrelated is best exemplified by sex. For starters, the act raises the synthesis of immunoglobulins. These are antibodies or our immunity compounds that help us fight infections. People with a more-than-basic level of sexual activities, per week, tend to retain a higher immunoglobulin concentration, making them more immune to common infections.
Sex Alleviates Common Infertility Problems
With stressful lifestyles, many men are prone to suffering from lowered sperm count or poor semen quality. These are serious barriers for couples trying to conceive. It has been researched that regular and enjoyable sex helps men to overcome these issues. Their semen improves in quality and quantity and the stress-relieving properties of sex ensure that their sperm is healthier, more motile and penetrable. The act of sex ensures that blood is properly circulated across the body, including the penile tissues, and absorption of nutrients is more uniform.

Sex Relieves Stress

Overall reduction of stress is perhaps the biggest, most widely-accepted benefit of sex. It is believed that higher anxiety and stress levels are responsible for initiating most health problems prevalent today. With regular sex, psychological health is improved, particularly problemsrelated to mood swings, depression and sleep. The act of intercourse helps to stimulate production of hormones that are required for overcoming stress and ensuring healthier behavior.
Sex Keeps You Physically Fitter
Sex has an amazing calorie-burning and cardiovascular conditioning effect. It exercises nearly every muscle of the body, including areas like the abdomen, hips and thighs that are the common weight-gain areas for most people. Sex might not help you become muscular but it works-out the body in a beautiful manner. The increased supply of blood means that the body has a greater chance of eliminating waste products and providing nourishment in a more balanced manner to various organs. Increased levels of sexual hormones help to fortify the muscles and bones with critical nourishment. These hormones help to prevent onset of heart diseases. Working the pelvic muscles, intercourse helps to prevent conditions like incontinence and hernias.
Sex Gives Your Skin Unique Radiance
It is usually thought that only women have the after-glow that is essentially a result of their hormones being produced aplenty during sex. However, this is applicable to men too. Yes, sex behaves like a psychological and physical boost for the human body. The circulation of blood rises, more oxygen is pumped into the body and sexual hormones are released copiously. The result is a sort of radiance that the best of moisturizers and make-up kits cannot compete with. It seems to take off years from your face, making you appear refreshed and cheerful.

Sex is an Instant Pain-killer

The feeling of happiness that accompanies and follows intercourse is due to the rise in the secretion of endorphins. These hormones are required for establishing a relaxed state of mind. Sex also induces release of oxytocin, which along withendorphin, is one of nature’s most potent painkillers—everything from unexplained bodyache to serious conditions like arthritic or PMS pains can be relieved. (Health,

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